Page 67 - TM-Feb-12

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The Textile Magazine
facturing sector’s strength, especial-
ly across fashion, automotive and
wind energy industries, is the avail-
ability of raw materials and skilled
labor, growing domestic demand
and the ability to manufacture a va-
riety of products meeting both the
domestic and export requirements.
In recent years, due to the global
economic situation, the manufactur-
ers have been focusing on reducing
the cost of production and improv-
ing productivity to be competitive in
the market.
Its customers who have deployed
the company solutions benefit by
increasing productivity, optimiz-
ing their existing infrastructure, and
reducing costs to maintain profit-
ability and expand business even in
difficult market situations, he added.
New offices opened
The newly-opened Delhi office
will cover the North Indian States
where many fashion companies and
automotive units are located. The
Tirupur office will cover the south-
ern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Tirupur, with its garment cluster and
a significant presence at the lower
end of the international hosiery and
knitwear market, accounts for more
than 50 per cent of cotton knitwear
exports from India.
Lectra has appointed in these new
offices a team of solution experts
and field service engineers with rich
industry experience to fully meet the
needs of its customers. All other In-
dian States will continue to be cov-
ered by the existing office in Ban-
The newly-opened international
call center in Bangalore is dedicated
to all the Indian customers. Staffed
with Lectra ex-
perts, this center
includes a dedi-
cated team of six
solution special-
ists and a team
of field service
engineers. The
center is con-
nected with the
Lectra interna-
tional call cent-
ers in France
( B o r d e a u x -
Cestas), North
America (Atlanta), Spain (Madrid),
Italy (Milan), and Asia-Pacific
Lectra has also strengthened its
sales and distribution network in In-
dia and has reinforced its strategic
partnerships with local partners by
collaborating with three Indian sales
partners, all having a very strong
local presence in specific Indian re-
gions: Magnum Technology Solu-
tions, its historical partner, already
working with Lectra for the States
in North India; Imperial Group of
Companies, appointed sales part-
ner for Maharashtra and Gujarat;
and Alpine Knits, appointed sales
partner for Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Their role will be to help identify
business opportunities within Lec-
tra’s realm that will handle imple-
mentation, training activities, sup-
port to guarantee optimum quality
under long-term relationship with
the clients.
Lectra is the world leader in in-
tegrated technology solutions that
automate, streamline and accelerate
product design, development and
manufacturing processes for indus-
tries using soft materials. Lectra
develops the most advanced special-
ized software and cutting systems
and provides associated services to
a broad array of markets, including
fashion (apparel, accessories, foot-
wear), automotive (car seats and
interiors, airbags), and furniture, as
well as a wide variety of other mar-
ket sectors, such as the aeronautical
and marine industries, wind power,
and personal protective equipment.
Magnum has over 15 years of
experience in India covering an
integrated range of CAD & CAM
solutions from the world’s leading
suppliers and a strong track record
in both deploying and supporting
them efficiently.
Alpine Knits India Pvt. Ltd., based
in Tirupur, is one of the leading so-
lution providers for garment mak-
ing industries in south India, while
Imperial Group is a market leader
in providing “one-stop” solution in
every aspect of apparel and textile
manufacturing, from fiber to fash-
Mr. L.J. Prashanth,
Managing Director, Lectra India
corporate news