Page 68 - TM-Feb-12

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Demand growth in emerging markets
is driving investment in nonwovens
industry update
Several nonwovens roll goods
producers are building, or have re-
cently built, new facilities and new
lines with the aim of targeting grow-
ing demand in markets in Asia,
Australasia, the Middle East, North
Africa, South America and Southern
In the Asia-Pacific region alone,
demand for nonwoven fabrics is
forecast to grow by 9.6 per cent per
annum between 2010 and 2015, ac-
cording to Freedonia Group. Fur-
thermore, China will account for al-
most half of the additional demand
Avgol, an Israel-based spunbond
nonwovens producer which has
facilities in Israel, China, North
America and Russia, has added a
second line at its facility in China
and a third line is under construc-
tion. When the line has been com-
pleted, it will bring Avgol’s total
production capacity in the country
to 40,000 tons per annum.
First Quality Nonwovens, a pro-
ducer of spunmelt nonwovens with
two plants in Pennsylvania, USA, is
building a new manufacturing facil-
ity at Wuxi in China. Initially the
plant will have two machines, the
first of which is scheduled to start
production this year.
Rapid growth in demand
in emerging markets is
driving investment in
nonwovens, according
to a report in the latest
issue of Technical Textile
Markets from the business
information company
Textiles Intelligence.
The Textile Magazine