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announces fresh
investments in India
corporate news
In India since 1998, Lectra opened
its own subsidiary based in Banga-
lore in 2008. “India is a fast-devel-
oping key market for Lectra, partic-
ularly for apparel, automotive, wind
energy and aerospace markets. Indi-
an manufacturers have now reached
a critical size and require local ex-
pert support to optimize the benefits
derived by using Lectra solutions”,
said Daniel Harari, Lectra CEO.
“Considering all these require-
ments in India, Lectra has decided to
considerably reinforce its presence
and make significant new invest-
ments by doubling its Indian team
from 12 to 24 people, opening two
more offices and an International
Call Center in Bangalore, besides
strengthening its sales and distribu-
tion network and relationship with
local partners. The expanding In-
dian domestic market is contribut-
ing to growth in the manufacturing
segment, especially in the fashion
and automotive industries where
Lectra has developed unrivalled,
worldwide, innovative and exten-
sive knowledge and best practices
with leading global brands and sup-
pliers”, he added.
Said Laxmanasandra Jayaram
(L.J.) Prashanth, Managing Direc-
tor, Lectra India: The Indian manu-
New offices opened in Delhi and Tirupur
Lectra, the world leader
in integrated technology
solutions dedicated to
industries using soft
materials – textiles,
leather, industrial fabrics
and composite materials
– has announced
significant investments
in India with the opening
of its two new offices
in Delhi and Tirupur, an
international call center in
Bangalore and its move to
strengthen the sales and
distribution network in
the country.
Mr. Daniel Harari,
Lectra CEO
The Textile Magazine