Page 125 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
In the case of an automatic doffing
machine, doffing will be performed
automatically after a given time or
diameter, thus creating packages of
equal length from position to po-
sition. These packages minimize
waste and optimize processes – for
example, for warp creation.
Depending on the take-up cradle
design, certain influences on the
package formation cannot be ne-
glected. Manual machines typically
have lighter take-up cradles, mostly
operating with spring dampening
systems, whereas automatic ma-
chines use cradles of a more sturdy
design in conjunction with pneu-
matics to control release and contact
pressure. Package formation takes
place in a more stable environment
under defined conditions, which
typically generates an improved
package build.
Doffing process
Depending on the experience of
the operators, doffing takes a certain
amount of time. An automatic ma-
chine always doffs at the same speed
and always consumes the same
amount of compressed air, which
can be beneficial depending on op-
erator experience, as compressed air
is a significant cost contributor. De-
pending on availability of operators
at the time when the doff timer sup-
plies the signal, the position might
continue running until the operator
reaches it or even cut in the event
that an operator does not reach the
position in time.
An automatic doffing machine
minimizes waste and increases ef-
ficiency by eliminating the need for
an operator for the doffing process.
Fewer operators are required due
to automatic doffing and de-
pending on the degree of auto-
mation in general. Depending
on labor costs, this can also be a
significant cost factor. In coun-
tries with high labor costs, this
is an important consideration
when investing in automatic
machines. The general avail-
ability of labor can be a fur-
ther consideration. In the event
that insufficient skilled labor is
available, automation becomes
a necessity, as production
would otherwise be impossible.
Above all, the achievable
machine efficiency is the key
factor when opting for an au-
tomatic machine. Precondition
for high efficiency is a possibly
uninterrupted and ideally endless
process. The doffing efficiency of an
automatic machine has to be as high
as possible; the target should always
be the magic 100%.
Comparing the number of drives
and feed systems of an automatic
with a manual machine, you will
find more or less the same figures.
If machines are equipped with the
same upper structure and only dif-
fer by type of doffing technology,
then there is no physical reason to
assume an automatic machine con-
sumes more than a manual machine
at the same process.
Oerlikon Barmag has a tradition
of manufacturing automatic doffing
machines that stretches back almost
25 years. The company is now un-
veiling the eAFK. Advantages of
and customer feedback from the
past AFK, AFK2 and MPS have
been intensively evaluated to create
the latest generation of automatic
draw texturing machines.
Following the basic requirements
and success factors for automatic
machines, the eAFK features:
Split-type functionality for
processing two different products on
one machine using a maximum 12
of sections, equal to 288 positions;
A selection of various cross-sec-
tions for the best possible product
processing from the outset;
The most advanced feed technol-
ogy for the best-possible processing
of the widest range of products;
The combination of the most re-
liable and proven components ever
used in Oerlikon Barmag draw tex-
turing machines;
A re-engineered automatic doff-
ing unit combined with the most
advanced ATT take-up technology
that pushes machine efficiency to its
Package formation takes place in a more stable
environment under defined conditions, which
typically generates an improved package build