Page 126 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
Rainer Mestermann is new CEO of Mahlo GmbH
Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG, leader
in developing and manufacturing
modern textile machinery and qual-
ity control systems, located in Saal/
Donau, welcomes Mr. Rainer Mes-
termann as the new Chief Executive
Officer as of December 1. The grad-
uate engineer coming from Thermo
Fisher Scientific in Erlangen, Ger-
many, is an internationally active
supplier for measuring systems for
flat webs.
During the course of his long pro-
fessional career Mr. Mestermann
held various positions. He was very
successful as head of the interna-
tional marketing and sales depart-
ment as well as leading and devel-
oping the company further.
Mr. Ralph Greenwood-Mahlo,
Participator - Chairman of advi-
sory board at Mahlo GmbH + Co.
KG., said: “We are very pleased to
welcome such a qualified and field
experienced successor to the Man-
agement of Mahlo GmbH +Co. KG.
Mr. Mestermann will adapt Mahlo
to current market trends and keep
the company on the course for suc-
cess with his long international sales
and marketing experience, his pro-
nounced technical understanding
and his profound market and product
knowledge. Mahlo has positioned it-
self successfully on an international
basis as a leading company for so-
phisticated solutions in developing
and manufacturing of machines and
systems for the textile, coating, foil
and paper industries. So a perfect
base was created to further develop
and lead the company. We are look-
ing forward to work with Mr. Rainer
Mestermann. Together we will con-
tinue to look for continuity and in-
Mr. Ralf Hopp, who came from
the company Baumueller Nuernberg
Group, a leading specialist for auto-
mation solutions and for drive sys-
tems, switched to Mahlo in October
2009 to assume a position in man-
agement, and he leaves the company
now in mutual agreement.
Mr. Ralph Greenwood-Mahlo
said: “Mr. Hopp was a loyal and
professional colleague, and we
very much appreciated his strategic
working and technical understand-
ing. The Mahlo family thanks him
for his dedication and the trusting