Page 124 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
Oerlikon Barmag
eAFK redefines
automatic texturing
What is an automatic doffing
draw texturing machine? Simply,
it is a conventional draw texturing
machine where the machine itself,
rather than an operator, performs the
doffing by means of an integrated
exchanging device.
It sounds quite straightforward,
but the complexity lies in the detail
of the exchange where the process
steps take place consecutively or in
Stopping and lifting the full bob-
bin; Separating the continuously-fed
yarn from the full bobbin without
disrupting the process by feeding it
into a waste container; Moving and
releasing the full bobbin to a storage
location; Providing an unused paper
tube to the take-up cradle, clamping
it in the right position at the right
time; Moving the cradle back into
the operating position; Placing the
meanwhile fed waste yarn in a posi-
tion that allows the end caps to catch
the yarn; and Continue with a new
package formation.
The accuracy and the speed of
these steps, along with the reliabil-
ity of the performance, have to be at
least the same as, but should gener-
ally be superior to, humans perform-
ing the same process steps.
Automatic or manual
doffing machine?
There are a few simple direct ad-
vantages over a manual machine
that make the typically higher ini-
tial capital expenditure feasible. The
finished DTY packages are placed
in a parking position and the surfac-
es of the DTY bobbin have not been
touched by an operator.
Equal yarn length
Manual machines require the at-
tendance of operators once the fin-
ished DTY bobbin has to be doffed.
If there is no operator, the position
will, under normal circumstances,
be cut in accordance with a time
By André Steingass
eAFK, the machine that combines the most reliable and proven components ever used in Oerlikon Barmag
draw texturing machines