Page 108 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
French machinery
much impressed
with customer
ITMA 2011
ITMA 2011 in Barcelona
was clearly a great edition
of the world machinery
and technology exhibition.
“It was very spectacular
to see so much interest
for our machines and serv-
ices and many significant
projects from the textile
producers worldwide”, said
Bruno Ameline, Chairman of
UCMTF, the French Textile
Machinery Manufacturers’
Association. “There seem to
be two different worlds, the
financial world in jeopardy
and a real economy where
the entrepreneurs have
long-term goals and innova-
tive projects to ensure the
growth and profitability of
their companies.”
The French exhibitors were
amazed by the number and the qual-
ity of trade visitors at the show, their
already well-planned projects and
their willingness to implement these
very quickly to secure competitive
advantages on the market. There
was huge customer demand, and
several contracts were signed at the
Ms. Evelyne Cholet, UCMTF
Secretary General, stated: “The
French manufacturers are now har-
vesting the results of their strategy
to address the specific requirements
of their customers, to provide them
tailored solutions and seamless serv-
ice; in one word, to build long-term
Ms. Evelyne Cholet,
UCMTF Secretary General