Page 109 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
relationships with them and provide
added value to their projects.”
The NSC Fibre To Yarn innova-
tion was the S200 new stretch break-
er. It was very well received by the
customers. The latest evolution of
the ERA combing machine also
registered a big success. The com-
pany attracted an unusual number
of customers from such countries as
Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile,
Mexico, Iran and India.
SUPERBA displayed the latest
development in the field of artifi-
cial turf: the GREENTEX line. It
is a completely new concept for the
processing of artificial grass which
helps in carrying out the well-known
KDK technology in one single oper-
ation. The line is capable of textur-
izing up to 12 ends at the same time
in a fully continuous operation, in-
cluding knitting, online heat-setting,
de-knitting and rewinding.
The customers and visitors who
were looking for innovative proc-
esses, quality and energy savings in
machinery and differentiation with
new products on their market seg-
ments found these with the Green-
tex line, or with the already reputed
TVP3 heat-setting line for carpet
SwissTex France presented a new
twisting& cabling tire cordmachine:
the CP 20 exhibited for the first time
in a show. The machine which was
in operation at the booth attracted
many visitors. With this new CP 20
machine, SwissTex France made
the choice of a complete new design
from the frame to the textile equip-
ment, with many advantages such as
energy saving and easy ergonomics.
Christophe Lettner, Head of Sales
and Marketing, said the booth was
particularly active with customers
coming with very precise projects
and that very important orders were
signed at ITMA.
PETIT Spare Parts
PETIT Spare Parts is a dealer in
accessories for all textile machines.
It has a wide international installed
base. Over 6,000 spare parts refer-
ences are available on stock at com-
petitive prices. A personalised as-
sistance is provided by technicians
and a reactive, trilingual bureau is
At ITMA, the Andritz Group and
the NSC Group announced they
signed a contract for the acquisition
of Asselin-Thibeau by Andritz.
Asselin-Thibeau is the corporate
identity of the NSC nonwovens ac-
tivities and Andritz already a leader
in nonwovens through Andritz Perfo-
jet in France and Andritz Küsters in
Germany. Both companies insisted
that very interesting synergies could
be found with this consolidation: a
nonwoven platform within the An-
dritz Group will enable the pooling
of three experiences and knowhow
to optimize the existing technologies
and achieve the best process results
and the utmost production efficiency for single sys-
tem components or full-line concepts. For the clients a
wide range of processes will be available from a single
Andritz acquires Asselin-Thibeau
Concerning the future of the NSC Group, Bruno
Ameline, Chairman and CEO, explained that the
group will continue to invest for the future of its engi-
neering expertise.
From (left), Mr. Tobias. Schäfer, Sales Director, Andritz Küsters, Mr. Didier
Vulliet, CEO, Andritz Perfojet, Mr. Johannes Haep, CEO, Asselin Thibeau, Mr.
Andreas Lukas, VP, Andritz Küsters, Mr. Bruno Ameline, Chairman and CEO,
NSC Group, and Mr. Jean-Philippe Dumon, Sales and Marketing Director,
NSC Nonwoven
ITMA 2011