Page 107 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
Lario. The future of digital textile
printing is very bright for all Stork
Prints customers.”
Pegasus EVO
Another major point of interest
at the stand was the Pegasus EVO
rotary screen printing system. Lit-
tle wonder, the EVO manages to
combine excellent print quality with
exceptional efficiency and flexibility
in operation. Its sophisticated and
flexible squeegee system gives bril-
liant colours in the widest range of
applications for halftones, fine lines
and blotches.
It also offers the most precise
registration in the market. Through
a combination of a unique paste
recovery technology, the use of a
blade squeegee, a superior drying
process and an intelligent waste wa-
ter recycling system, the EVO can
save in excess of Euro 80,000, every
year, in running costs.
Yet it still manages to offer the
flexibility today’s textile printers are
looking for. For example, it accepts
blade-, air-flow - and magnet squee-
gees, and can be equipped with inte-
grated coating & finishing technol-
ogy to enable production of many
different types of coated fabric.
Moreover, the machine can also
offer superb value for customers by
retrofitting the new EVO upper part
onto existing RD 4, RDD and RD 8
frames. Customers can enjoy the ad-
vantages of individual drive, using
existing infrastructure and founda-
tion of their machine.
Two new rotary screens
Users of the Stork Prints rotary
screen printing technology can also
look to the future with confidence.
For example, two new screens were
introduced at the ITMA. The 125/
RR is characterised by a random dis-
tribution of conical holes. This sig-
nificantly reduces the moiré effect
whilst printing, which means less
need for trials and fewer remakes
and rejects. It also offers more free-
dom in design possibilities, for ex-
ample, through its ability to produce
realistic weaving and tweed effects.
Meanwhile, the new 195/19%
NovaScreen distinguishes itself by
combining high paste transfer rates
with superb resolution. A patented
design combines a high mesh count
with minimum spacing between
wider and ingeniously conical holes,
so the maximum amount of paste is
transferred to the substrate. It has
been specially designed for printing
fine halftones on voluminous sub-
strates like single jersey, and also
gives full penetration print on CV
georgette or crepe articles.
Of course, both types of screen
have the added advantage of the
unrivalled Stork Prints quality and
service support. Visitors could also
see other screens for fashion, home
decoration and coating applications,
as well as a selection of digital inks.
Solutions for all
production processes
With the pre-press solutions on
display, Stork Prints underlined that
it is the only global partner that can
offer solutions for every phase of the
production process as well as con-
sumables. For example, at the stand
there was a bestLEN 8413 direct la-
ser engraver doing what it does best;
rapidly and accurately engraving
This was accompanied by a brand
new highly advanced bestLEX laser
exposure system, which integrates
the advantages of optical screen
exposure with those of digital laser
corporate news
Mr. Dick Joustra, CEO and Mr. Jos Notermans, Business Unit Manager,
officially open the new digital inks factory in Boxmeer