Page 106 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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Stork Prints’
digital systems
corporate news
One of the major highlights was
the new Sphene 24 digital printer,
which demonstrated its capacity to
print on Polyamide Lycra swimwear
fabric using acid inks. The Sphene
can realise print speeds up to an
amazing 555 m²/hr, while its feed-
ing system allows virtually any fab-
ric imaginable to be used, at widths
of up to 1.85 meters.
Representatives from major print-
ing firms around the globe – many
already proud and satisfied owners
of Stork Prints’ equipment and us-
ers of Stork Prints’ consumables
– showed considerable interest in
this digital workhorse. Several deals
were concluded during the show, in
most cases involving more than one
“We confirmed at the ITMA that
the era of digital textile production
has definitely started,” said Jos Not-
ermans, Stork Prints’ Business Unit
Manager for Digital Textiles. “The
success of our Sphene once again
emphasises our leading position in
this market, as does the recently-an-
nounced agreement with Italy’s MS
that our inks will be used in their MS
‘Digital’ was certainly a key
word for Stork Prints at
ITMA 2011 in Barcelona.
On display at the company’s
stand in hall 7 were sev-
eral new introductions in
both digital equipment and
consumables. Naturally,
this was complemented by a
variety of screens, inks and
samples, plus equipment
for realising high-quality
textiles using rotary screen
The Textile Magazine