The Textile Magazine
customer confdence in the future
of knitting with its commitment to
future progress. This aim has been
fully realised.
As part of its enormous growth as
the world’s foremost garment pro-
duction base, China’s knitting indus-
try has developed rapidly. As feared
and revered as China is however, we
are now witnessing a slowdown due
to increasing material cost, higher
wages and shortage of labor. Conse-
quently the trend to concentrate knit
manufacturing within China is being
At the same time, textile manu-
facturing for consumer markets is
expanding within emerging markets
such as Russia, India and Brazil,
thanks to their accelerated economic
growth. Asian and Middle Eastern
countries are also attracting atten-
tion as garment manufacturing bases
for the European market.
Almost ten out of the 12 computer-
ized fat knitting machines exhibited
by Shima Seiki at ITMA were new.
They round out a complete line-
up only Shima Seiki can provide:
WHOLEGARMENT, new integral,
intarsia and shaping machines rang-
ing from 3G to 21G. For manu-
facturing in consumer markets, an
expanded range of WHOLEGAR-
MENT knitting machines offers
even higher added-value than ever
before. A new generation of shap-
ing machines provides a new sense
of value aimed at an entire spectrum
of markets, from high value-added
production applications in consumer
markets to replacements for hand-
fat knitting machines in labor-inten-
sive mass-production markets.
For production, brand new soft-
ware provides improved effciency
in programming, and enhanced 3D
simulation eliminates the need for
costly and time-consuming sample-
making benefcial to any market ap-
The year 2011 has proved much
better for the company as compared
to 2010. Shima Seiki is expanding
its manufacturing capacity with its
new factory at Wakayama head-
quarters in Japan.
India is an important market for
Shima Seiki. The company has over
200 customers with multiple instal-
lations, including Shima Seiki fat
knitting machines, collar knitting
machines and glove knitting ma-
The interest and response from In-
dian customers is very high, and the
company has received several frm
orders, says Mr. Masaki Karasuno,
Head of Corporate Planning, Shima
Seiki Manufacturing Ltd.
“India is an established market
with much potential for further
growth. Therefore Shima
Seiki considers it a very
important market. We would
like to further assist in the au-
tomation of the knitting
industry by providing
computerized knitting
machines for garment
shaping, for replac-
ing hand-fat knitting
machines and collar
machines. Also for those
customers who are ea-
ger to provide high-value
added knitwear and quick re-
sponse production for export
as well as for the domestic market,
we provide state-of-the-art WHO-
LEGARMENT knitting machines”,
adds Mr. Masaki Karasuno.
ITMA 2011
[exclusive feature]