Page 83 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
Group and the Nassa Group.
“The global downturn prompted many top low-cost
retailers to search for more economical supply sourc-
es,” says Mr. Tagasa. “Since we operate on economy of
scale and with very low profit margins, we are receiving
increased orders from top retailers like Asda, Wal-Mart
and Target.”
The group’s spinning mills have 463,600 spindles
manufacturing from 8/s to 80/s counts both in carded
and combed forms, supporting both the local and ex-
port markets. In the home textiles sector, Noman is the
largest producer in Asia and one of the biggest in the
world, exporting to Europe and North America gener-
ally, with leading names like H&M, M&S, IKEA, Wal-
Mart, Asda, Carrefour, Aldi, Lidl, and JYSK amongst
its customers.
In apparels, the company is greatly increasing its
production capacity for twill, poplin, canvas and yarn
dyed fabrics and will be launching a new product line
in denim, towel and jersey knitted fabrics.
The company is now expanding its woven and knit
garment units, adding a new 75,000 spindle spinning
mill and an additional 100,000 m
of fabric dyeing and
finishing units. It is also investing in new poplin, bed-
net, terry towel and home textile facilities.
Bangladesh’s more than 2,500 active garment and
textile manufacturers exported $11 billion worth of
knit, woven and home textile items in 2009, with only a
handful exporting over $100 million or more.
Cotton prices have increased significantly in the last
two years, but retailers and end customers were unwill-
ing to raise their prices. In terms of pricing, however,
Bangladesh is competitive due to the low wage econ-
omy. The quality of products made in Bangladesh has
also improved greatly, especially with those manufac-
turers who have recently invested in European technol-
Noman has been able to build on these advantages
by enacting new strategies such as cost minimisation
in different areas of production, increasing value-added
products, product diversification, segmenting the prod-
ucts, opening new markets, and development of new
products offering better margins.
A few years ago, European and North American
customers thought Bangladesh was unable to turn out
quality products, but now they are buying more from
Bangladesh because of the price and quality of the texti
bangladesh textile news