Page 82 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
LargestBanglagarment exporter’smain
reliance on
The Noman Group, one of the
largest vertically integrated tex-
tile producers in Bangladesh and in
2010 the country’s biggest exporter
of garments, has added a new Mon-
forts Montex stenter to its line-up as
part of massive investment aimed at
keeping the group in its premier po-
Originally founded as a trad-
ing company in Dhaka in 1968 and
which now owns 19 mills and em-
ploys a workforce of more than
40,000, Noman is Monforts’ largest
customer in Bangladesh.
The new Montex 6500 stenter was
supplied and installed by the Mon-
forts representative, Bengal Tech-
nological Corporation, at the Noman
Weaving Mills plant at Sreepur, on
the outskirts of Dhaka.
Noman already uses a range of
Monforts technology in its continu-
ous dyeing and sanforising lines with
Monfortex and Toptex shrinkage
units for woven and knitted fabrics.
These sanforizers offer increased re-
sidual shrinkage, higher production
speeds, and reduced water consump-
tion for cooling and substantial time
savings for blanket changes.
Mr. Gabriel Tagasa, advisor at the
group’s multiple outlets in the Sreep-
ur Zone, said that Noman invested in
new equipment throughout 2010 to
expand spinning and dyeing capac-
ity at its woven and knit garment
units, ensuring that the group has the
capacity to maintain its position as a
major exporter.
Installing the new Monforts 6500-
6F stenter, which joins two other
Monforts stenters, will allow Noman
to step up its output of dyed and knit-
ted fabrics and offer faster and more
flexible production times to its cus-
“All our work is exported,” says
Mr. Tagasa. “Consequently, the
Montex 6500 is an important invest-
ment for us. It adds to the enormous
flexibility we already have, which
is substantially based on our exist-
ing Monforts technology. A lot of
our customers are producing niche
fashion items, sportswear and so on,
often in relatively small production
runs. We can therefore produce what
is needed to meet their design and
quality criteria”.
Meeting costs is also extremely
important during this period of in-
tensely tough competition, and the
company wants to stay ahead of its
domestic competitors as well as in-
ternational producers.
Mr. Tagasa further says: “We work
very closely with Bengal Technolo-
gies and Monforts to achieve this,
and regard our relationships as a real
working partnership. In addition to
the size and capacity of the Montex
6500, we are very impressed by the
machine’s energy saving operation.
There is a great shortage of energy
supply in our country, and although
we are fully backed up by genera-
tors, we are always very conscious
of the need to reduce our energy con-
Noman has leapt into the
first place from its previ-
ous position in the number
three slot, benefiting from
the global slow-
down that has
created a wind-
fall for Bang-
ladesh textile
importers in
general. With
$ 4 0 0 - $ 4 2 0
million worth
of exports in 2010, Noman has ended
a long-held domination by the Opex
bangladesh textile news