Page 30 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
per cent of sales have been with auto
doffer and most of the machines
have been long frames of 1440 spin-
dles. The company introduced Toy-
ota’s Compact System (EST) in In-
dia a couple of years back, and over
120,000 Compact spindles have
been delivered so far.
KTTM is also seriously contem-
plating introduction of Toyota rov-
ing frame FL200. The company
is currently conducting market re-
search and a decision will be taken
in the current year.
“Our product reliability, lower op-
erating cost, on-time delivery with-
out price escalation are the strength
of KTTM, keeping us retain our
market share. This has also helped
us in booking repeat orders to the
extent of almost 60 per cent of our
production capacity for which we
are thankful to our esteemed cus-
tomers”, says Mr. Parabrahman.
Toyota’s strong philosophy of
“Customer First” is followed at
KTTM too. A pan-Indian sales &
service network provides solution
to customers within the shortest
possible time. They also advise cus-
tomers on predictive maintenance
& overhauling of equipment to
achieve optimal machine uptime. A
well-stocked spares section further
supports the customer by ensuring
timely supply of parts with very low
lead time, he adds.
Today most of the leading spin-
ners in the Indian textile industry
are customers of KTTM, through
Toyota’s global network. It has also
bagged a couple of projects in Viet-
nam and Bangladesh.
Mr. Parabrahman is confident
that “in the next 10 years we expect
KTTM to be one of the major play-
ers in the Indian textile industry”.
KTTM also produces a range of
auto components for export. Its auto
parts division has received many
awards for excellence in manufac-
turing. The total sales turnover in the
last fiscal was about Rs. 300 crores,
with 60 per cent contribution from
the Textile Machinery Division.