Page 29 - The Textile Magazine January 2012

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The Textile Magazine
jANUARY 2012
The first millionth spindle was
handed over to the Vardhman Group
and the second millionth spindle to
Loyal Textiles. Both achievements
were made in the last seven years.
Despite volatility in the textile
industry, KTTM has been making
steady progress in the Indian mar-
ket. The company has plans to ex-
pand capacity, add new products,
improve on the production systems
and offer new technologies to cus-
Mr. Masafumi Kunito, Deputy
Managing Director of KTTM, says:
“We are implementing Toyota Pro-
duction System (TPS) and creating
for the first time the concept of fac-
tory showroom. This is expected to
tremendously improve our produc-
Currently, KTTM has an installed
monthly capacity to manufacture
20,000 spindles but is already op-
erating at a capacity of 30,000
spindles per month. It is targeting
sales of 360,000 spindles in 2011-
12. With minimal investments and
with the implementation of TPS it
will able to increase its capacity to
40,000 spindles per month, says Mr.
There are different estimates of
the installed spindleage in India, but
the most reliable estimates indicate
around 50 million spindles in all.
Annually another three million spin-
dles are added or replaced. This of-
fers a huge opportunity for KTTM
for future growth.
On the current recession, Mr. Pa-
rabrahman says: “It is very clear
that the spinning industry has gone
through an extremely bad phase for
about 6 to 8 months. However, most
of our customers are quite new. I be-
lieve the market will swing back by
the middle of this year. Companies
like KTTM have understood the
phenomenon of these wild swings.
Our partners in the supply chain also
respond to these fluctuating trends.
We work with over 135 component
suppliers, and we take care of them
during the good and bad times”.
KTTM currently offers the popu-
lar RXI 240 series of spin frames.
In the last couple of years, over 90
Mr. T. Parabrahman, Managing Director, flanked by Mr. Mr. Masafumi Kunito, Deputy Managing
Director (left), and Mr. Ashok Juneja, Associate Vice President (Marketing), KTTM