Page 81 - TM-Feb-12

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The Textile Magazine
USTER TENSORAPID tensile test-
ing system, with the latest USTER
TENSORAPID 4-C model offering
a range of important features for
filament yarns. Producers need to
cope with continuous developments
in the synthetic fiber sector, includ-
ing new yarn types and different ap-
plication. Recognizing these special
requirements, USTER has devised a
purpose-designed software package
As well as handling the basic meas-
urements of force, elongation and
tenacity, the software now provides
a number of important additional
For example, users can select data
on the force value at which the first
filament breaks, or obtain reference
values for strength and elongation.
Various modulus values, yield points
and natural draw ratio for stress
and strain are among other useful
data offered. Together, the USTER
SORAPID 4-C provide the perfect
partnership for progress in the glo-
bal filament yarn industry.
Importance of synthetic
Soaring domestic demand in
emerging countries, coupled with
continuing high cotton prices, has
fueled the synthetics boom, and es-
timates put annual growth in capac-
ity at 4.5 per cent, reaching a glo-
bal manufacturing capability of 64
million tonnes by 2014. Polyester is
projected to retain its dominant po-
sition, with filament yarn capacity
set to increase from its 2009 level of
26 million tonnes to a new high of
34 million by 2014.
Experts predict Asian markets
will be even more significant over
this period, as greater affluence and
the rise of the middle classes create
new demand for all types of synthet-
ic textiles, with a particularly strong
focus on growth in sophisticated ap-
plications and non-apparel end-uses.
The situation presents great poten-
tial for synthetics producers who can
meet the new requirements for high-
er quality standards in an increas-
ingly competitive market. The need
to optimize raw material values and
achieve right-first-time quality is the
key to ensuring profitability.
The Uster Group is the lead-
ing high-technology instrument
manufacturer of products for qual-
ity measurement and certification
for the textile industry. It provides
testing and monitoring instruments,
systems and services that allow opti-
mization of quality through each in-
dividual stage of textile production.
This includes raw textile fibers, such
as cotton or wool, all staple fiber
and filament yarns, as well as down-
stream services to the final finished
The Uster Group provides bench-
marks that are a basis for the trading
of textile products at assured levels
of quality across global markets.
Its aim is to forward know-how on
quality, productivity and cost to the
textile industry.
Headquartered in Uster, Switzer-
land, the group operates through
a worldwide market organization
complemented by technology cent-
ers. It has sales and service subsidi-
aries in the major textile markets
and technology centers in Uster,
Knoxville (USA) and Suzhou (Chi-
ment yarn production, undetected
mass variations can damage thou-
sands of metres of valuable materi-
al. These faults can then cause more
problems in subsequent processes
such as draw-twisting, texturing and
dyeing. That is why comprehensive
evenness testing is essential to avoid
the danger of below-par yarn quality
being delivered to the customer.
The perfect partner for the
USTER TESTER 5-C800, is the
product news