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The Textile Magazine
ness measurements. The USTER
TENSORAPID 4-C measures the
key quality parameters of force,
elongation and tenacity, using soft-
ware specially designed for filament
yarns. Both systems can test a wide
range of counts across all the main
filament yarn types, including poly-
ester, polyamide, polypropylene,
viscose and aramid.
Gabriela Peters, Product Manager,
Yarn within Uster Technologies,
says: “Our long expertise in this
area means we understand that the
testing of monofilament or multifila-
ment is not as simple as it looks.” In
fact, it can be a complex process, re-
quiring the specialized know-how,
hardware and software that is inte-
grated into the USTER instruments.
“We work with filament produc-
ers to keep pace with fast-moving
changes in manufacturing technol-
ogy and new demands on yarn char-
acteristics as competition intensifies
through the textile sector, including
high-volume applications such as
polyester for apparel, sport textiles
and home textiles,” explains Peters.
The perfect couple
The USTER TESTER 5-C800, as
the name suggests, operates at the
unrivalled testing speed of 800 m/
min, while a vital technical benefit
is its unique method of applying me-
chanical twist, which guarantees ul-
timate accuracy and reliability. The
system provides a precise analysis
of mass variations in the yarn, which
can arise from polymer inconsisten-
cies, irregularities in the spinning
process and subsequent yarn cool-
ing and winding and drawing opera-
tions, or from machine defects.
Because of the high speeds in fila-
product news