Page 34 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
by 3.02 per cent from Euro 19.85
million in 2009-10 to Euro 20.45
million in 2010-11. This revenue
growth has contributed to PBT turn-
ing around from a deficit of – Euro
1.54 million in 2009-10 to a profit of
Euro 0.70 million in 2010-11.
In 2010-11, Alok Industries has
invested Rs. 1,858.81 crores across
various divisions. A major portion
of this was towards cotton spinning,
expansion of weaving and process-
ing capacities, setting up of the ad-
ditional continuous polymerization
(CP) plant, and expansion of the
texturising plant and regular capex.
Spinning, weaving and
From an initial capacity of 50,000
spindles in 2007, Alok has today
created India’s largest spinning ca-
pacity at one location (Silvassa)
with 4,11,840 spindles and 5,680 ro-
tors to produce about 80,000 tons of
cotton yarn per annum. Almost 95
per cent of this yarn is consumed in-
house for fabric production, making
it the strongest vertical integration
of textiles in India.
Alok’s requirement of cotton yarn
increased considerably with the ex-
pansion of weaving and knitting ca-
pacities and made strategic sense to
have some portion of its total yarn
requirement produced in-house.
This also mitigates the risk of total
dependence on the market where
availability could be a constraint
with a lot of high-speed weaving
capacities being added in the coun-
try in the quota-free regime. Conse-
quently, the size of the cotton yarn
division has become larger.
The company initially set up
a weaving unit at Bhiwandi way
back in 1991 with about 100 shut-
tle looms. Today it has about 2,200
shuttleless looms comprising of ra-
pier, air jet and jacquard looms in
one complex at Silvassa. This is pos-
sibly the highest number of looms at
one location in the country. Also, at
this location, about 1,000 looms are
installed in one weaving unit, mak-
ing it probably the largest weaving
unit in the world.
Alok produces a wide range of
woven and knitted fabrics. The high
quality of its products is the result
Mr. Dilip B. Jiwrajka, Managing Director
cover story