Page 33 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
riod, we have established strong re-
lationships with sales channels and
customers, both in the domestic and
export markets”.
“We have gained a strong foot-
ing in the global textiles and ap-
parels market, completed projects
and commissioned capacities across
products according to plans, and
grown into a company with a turn-
over over of Rs. 6,388 crores in
2010-11 and emerged as one of the
largest integrated textile manufac-
turing companies in the global tex-
tile market. Today, it gives me and
the team at Alok even more satisfac-
tion to look forward at the potential
for quantum growth that lay ahead.
The spade work has been done and
most of the large investments are in
place. The next decade will be about
sweating assets and reaping benefits
while maintaining the growth mo-
mentum”, he added.
Alok’s blue chip international
customer base comprises world re-
nowned retailers, importers and
brands. About 35 per cent of its
production is exported to over 70
countries, the major markets be-
ing the US, Europe, Latin America,
Asia and Africa. Carefully planned
expansion and marketing strate-
gies have enabled the company to
achieve a CAGR of 35 per cent in
sales since inception.
In the first six months of the cur-
rent financial year, Alok Industries
clocked net sales of Rs. 3,781.68
crores, an increase of 48.27 per cent
over the same period last year. Ex-
ports grew by 28.89 per cent to Rs.
1,342.23 crores from Rs. 1,041.38
crores. Profit stood at Rs. 139.48
crores as against Rs. 126.32 crores,
a growth of 10.42 per cent.
Alok has capacities of 82.50 mil-
lion metres of sheeting fabric and
6,700 tons of terry towels for its
home textiles business, 186.00 mil-
lion metres of apparel width woven
fabrics, 18,200 tons per annum of
knitted fabrics and 22 million pieces
per annum of garments. The com-
pany which has achieved complete
integration. It has its strong presence
in the polyester segment with a ca-
pacity of 1,14,000 tons per annum
of polyester textured yarn, supple-
mented by 3,00,000 tons per annum
of POY.
The retail operations, both at home
and in the UK, are starting to gain
traction and moving towards profit-
ability. The ‘H&A’ chain of stores
continued to spread its wings across
India with a total of 291 outlets (in-
cluding shop-in-shop) by the end of
2010-11. The target is to have about
500 stores operational over the next
two years.
Alok H&A Ltd. recorded sales of
Rs. 40.37 crores in 2010-11 and gen-
erated cash profits. ‘Store Twenty
One’, the UK retail chain of value-
format stores, did reasonably well
during the year. For the 12-month
period ended March 2011, the stores
registered sales of £129.75 million
as compared to £117.06 million in
FY 2010, a growth of 10.84 per cent.
Even the international operations
of the Czech subsidiary – Mileta –
have turned around. Net sales grew
cover story