Page 25 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
Clement Woon
a multi-faceted executive
Mr. Clement Woon is an internationally experienced Executive.
He has held leadership positions at, inter alia, Thomson Consum-
er Electronics and the Leica Group. In his previous position, he
served from 2008 to 2011 as President and CEO of SATS Ltd.,
Singapore, an airline catering and ground handling service pro-
vider with sales of CHF 1.2 billion, listed on the Singapore Stock
Exchange. In this function he led the expansion of the company
into the non-aviation sector, diversifying the portfolio and paving
the way for sustainable development.
As the President of Geosystems Division of Leica Geosystems
AG, a multinational corporation based in Switzerland, Clement
Woon led the transformation of the company’s value chain to
deliver cost-effective high technology solutions for the surveying
industry. He was instrumental in growing Leica Geosystems’ busi-
ness and presence in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Americas and Mid-
dle East regions.
Mr. Clement Woon holds a Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics
Engineering degree and a Masters of Science degree in Indus-
trial Engineering from the National University of Singapore. He
also holds a Masters of Business Administration degree from the
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).
tile comprises three key elements:
Simplified organization with con-
solidation from five BUs to three; a
new Manmade Fibers BU will com-
prise Oerlikon Barmag and Oerlikon
Neumag. The new Natural Fibers
BU will consist of Oerlikon Schlaf-
horst and Oerlikon Saurer. The
structure of the Textile Components
end of 2012 more than 40 per cent
of all Textile senior management
positions will be based at Oerlikon’s
new office in Shanghai.
Oerlikon Textile will increase its
2012 R&D investment in Germany
to around CHF 60 million (world-
wide to around CHF 80 million) and
start ramping up R&D capacity in
After successful contribution over
many years, Mr. Thomas Babacan
will hand over his management re-
sponsibilities as Segment CEO to
Clement Woon, a citizen of Sin-
gapore, on January 1 and leave the
company. Mr. Clement Woon, an
executive with extensive interna-
tional experience, particularly in
Asia, has a strong background in
both the technology and service in-
dustries. He will be Oerlikon’s first
Segment CEO based in Asia. The
position of Oerlikon Group COO
will be eliminated.
With a presence in this region for
almost 50 years, Oerlikon Textile’s
sales in Asia will reach around 70
per cent of total sales in 2011. “To
ensure the continuation of this suc-
cess, we will manage the textile
business directly out of its most
important market and at the same
time strengthen R&D capabilities,
especially in Germany”, said Group
CEO Buscher.
Nearly 45 per cent of Oerlikon
Textile employees are based in
Asia today, with that share rising
to 50 per cent by the end of 2014.
By the end of 2012 more than 40
per cent of Oerlikon Textile senior
management positions will be based
in Shanghai (up from 10 per cent at
present). With this simplification of
the organization, and a strong order
book reaching into 2014, Oerlikon
Textile is positioned to benefit from
long-term trends in the textile indus-
Oerlikon is a leading high-tech
BU remains unaffected by the rea-
lignment. Branding will not change;
Shift of key Oerlikon Textile man-
agement to Shanghai Oerlikon Tex-
tile Executives, including the CEO
and CFO, will relocate to Shanghai
in the first quarter of 2012. By the
China. The German R&D organi-
zation will focus on the continued
development of ground breaking
innovations such as the recently
launched Autocoro 8 from Oerlikon
Schlafhorst. The Asian R&D capa-
bility will specialize in regional ad-
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