Page 24 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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Oerlikon Textile
management to Shanghai
Corporate news
In line with the
new organizational
structure, Clement
Woon, an interna-
tionally experienced
executive, will suc-
ceed Thomas Ba-
bacan as Segment
CEO on January 1,
CEO, Dr. Michael
Buscher, said: “We
have seen strong
improvement in our
resulting in record
margins. With the
announcement to-
day we are posi-
tioning the segment
even closer to our
largest customers,
consistent with our
strategy to further
increase efficiency
and profitability. I
would like to thank Thomas Baba-
can for his dedication to Oerlikon
and welcome Clement Woon to the
The announcement supports the
continuation of the focus on op-
erational discipline, lifting the un-
derlying performance of Oerlikon
Textile to a new level, building on
an already strong market position in
The refocusing of Oerlikon Tex-
The Oerlikon Group will
simplify its textile seg-
ment to further increase
competitiveness and
profitability. The three key
elements of this change
are consolidation of the
five textile machinery and
components businesses
into three business units
(BUs), relocation of Tex-
tile’s headquarters to
Shanghai, and increased
R&D investment in both
Germany and Asia to
around CHF 80 million.
Mr. clement woon
The Textile Magazine