Page 117 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
er of public interest.
Hermann Buehler AG is one of
the first ComforJet spinners. With
headquarters in Winterthur-Sen-
nhof, Switzerland, it produces yarns
for customers with highest require-
ments. With innovative products,
superior quality and a perfect cus-
tomer service, the company sets
With a constant interest in the lat-
est technology, Hermann Buehler
AG was present from the beginning
in the development of the Rieter air-
jet spinning machine. That is also
the reason why it incorporated one
of the first Rieter J 20 air-jet spin-
ning machines in its production.
Ms. Renata Franz, Business De-
velopment Manager at Hermann
Buehler AG, made the following
comments: “Our cotton yarn, spun
on the new Rieter J 20 air-jet spin-
ning machine, is the first air-jet spun
cotton yarn on the market that can
be processed without problems. The
good bobbin build-up of the cylin-
drical bobbins allows perfect op-
erational behaviour on the knitting
machine. Due to optimal bonding
of the fibers in the yarn structure,
the end products from air-jet yarn
possess extremely good pilling
characteristics. The fiber ends can-
not be freed in wear, which main-
tains a perfect fabric appearance
even after numerous washes. After
washing, a visibly lower shrinkage
is apparent compared to the classic
ring yarn. Furthermore, the knits are
dimensionally very stable which is
especially interesting in the case of
seamless knits. The very even fabric
appearance and for an air-jet yarn
pleasantly soft touch are further typ-
ical properties of ComforJet yarn.
Experience also shows that due to
the special yarn structure, savings
can be made in the amount of sizing
agent and color dye required.”
Santoni, a market leader in seam-
less knitting machines, also showed
great interest in ComforJet cotton
yarn which was being processed on
its latest Atlas high-speed circular
knitting machine. The yarn from
Hermann Buehler, with a yarn count
of Ne 50 (Nm 85), was processed
trouble-free, and this at the highest
Gianpiero Valsecchi, Head of
Sales (Large Diameter Machines)
at Santoni, said: “In particular, the
high speed of 45 rpm and the ex-
tremely low fiber fly of the Comfor-
Jet cotton yarn fascinated visitors
to our stand. The Buehler air-jet
yarn allows maximal productivity
at simultaneously reduced machine
cleaning expenditure. The knits are
convincing, thanks to minimal hairi-
ness, an attractive sheen and very
low impurities due to bonding of
the fiber tufts during knitting. The
ComforJet cotton yarn from Buehler
increases the benefit immensely due
to the very low fiber fly.”
A further positive influence on
the quality of the knits is provided
by the knitting technology without
sinkers patented by Santoni. This
allows knits to be produced without
any sinker marks and, at the same
time, permits a closer stitch and
thereby heavier knits. The patented
technology leads to higher produc-
tion speeds with conventional gaug-
The ComforJet yarn aroused very
great interest amongst the exhibition
visitors. Process stages could be ob-
served in detail, from the machine
producer across the yarn produc-
ers up to the downstream process-
ing on the knitting machines. For
the three companies participating,
Hermann Buehler AG, Santoni and
Rieter, it was in every respect a suc-
cess. Many valuable discussions and
projects were generated.