Page 116 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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The Textile Magazine
, the new yarn with
convincing properties
the inner yarn core.
The ComforJet yarn brings many
advantages, not only in downstream
processing but also in the end prod-
uct, and opens up new areas of ap-
With new developments, the Ri-
eter test phase does not end with the
yarn but in the downstream process-
ing. Consequently, the findings from
the further yarn processing also flow
into the machine development. This
was also the case in the development
of the air-jet spinning machine. For
instance, a project was carried out
with the Italian knitting machine
manufacturer Santoni, during which
the idea arose to use the ComforJet
cotton yarn from Hermann Buehler
AG on the latest Atlas circular knit-
ting machine from Santoni at ITMA
in Barcelona.
On the Rieter stand in hall 1, the
new J 20 air-jet spinning machine
was presented to the public for the
first time. Visitors followed with
great interest production of two dif-
ferent yarns on the J 20, a viscose
yarn Ne 30 (Nm 50) on one side of
the machine and a cotton yarn Ne 50
(Nm 85) on the other side.
In Hall 3 on the Santoni stand,
such a ComforJet cotton yarn from
Hermann Buehler AG was knitted
on the Atlas circular knitting ma-
chine. The exhibition visitors could
thereby be personally convinced of
the advantages of the new yarn that
was processed almost dust-free.
In the new fiber and yarn section
in hall 4, the spinning company
Hermann Buehler AG also showed
ComforJet yarns from its production
range. Also Rieter was represented
in hall 4 with a second stand. As
the only supplier of all 4 spinning
technologies, Rieter exhibited the
4 different yarns: ring yarn, Com4
compact yarn, ComfoRo rotor yarn
and the ComforJet air-jet spun yarn
as well as their end products. Many
interested visitors took the opportu-
nity to discover these 4 yarns as well
as their typical end applications and
to compare them with each other.
The new ComforJet yarn and its
benefits in downstream processing
and in the end product was the cent-
ComforJet is the brand name of
yarn spun on the new Rieter air-
jet spinning machine. In close co-
operation with representatives of
three process stages, the spinning
machine manufacturer Rieter AG,
the spinning company Hermann
Bühler AG and the knitting machine
manufacturer Santoni, the yarn
properties and thereby the behavior
in downstream processing could be
optimized. End products made from
ComforJet yarn exhibit excellent
wear and tear characteristics. These
were convincingly demonstrated
to visitors at ITMA on the various
ComforJet, the air-jet spun yarn,
exhibits a completely new yarn
structure. The typical features are
the very low hairiness, the smooth
yarn surface and the associated soft
and voluminous yarn character.
How does the spinning principle
work? The air-spinning machine is
fed with slivers. The sliver is specif-
ically drafted and fed to a spinning
nozzle. By means of an air stream,
the outer fibers are twisted around