Page 104 - The Textile Magazine December 2011

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weaving Indian textile
industry for decades
corporate news
Dynamic Looms, a 36-year old
company, was incorporated in 1975
under the leadership of the ambi-
tious and pragmatic Mr. Vasantb-
hai Patel, a successful entrepreneur
with an innovative approach. Since
inception, the group has seen steady
growth both in terms of product de-
velopment and technology.
Dynamic Looms offers proven ex-
pertise in high-precision machinery
for the extremely competitive textile
industry. Being a pioneer in tex-
tile machinery manufacturing, the
company has risen to become one
among the leading domestic players
by consolidating its position in the
last three decades.
Dynamic Autolooms India Pvt.
Ltd. is one of the leading manufac-
turers offering a variety of world
class weaving machines for manu-
facturing innovative fabrics, glass
fibers, filament, jute, pure silk, linen
The textile industry ac-
counts for 31 per cent
of India’s exports and is
a mother industry upon
which millions of people
are dependent. The Indian
weaving industry has con-
ventionally been one of the
most promising sectors
offering huge employment.
In fact, after agriculture,
the weaving industry is
the largest employment
provider. Abundance of
raw materials and con-
tinuous supply of cheap
labour are the factors
behind the success of the
weaving industry in India.
By Ganesh Kalidasan
Mr. Mittal Patel, Director
The Textile Magazine