Vinod Krishnamurthy – An authority in Digital Textile Printing

The textile market today experiences hard core competitiveness, and there is innovation everywhere and new technology replaces the old and obsolete. With major changes coming in, in the spinning, weaving and processing sectors, the market now foresees good scope for innovation and profit generation in many other segments as well. One such segment is printing machinery and designs. With the print industry revolutionized by digital printing, many players have made a mark in the print industry with their state-of-the-art technology and high print quality.

Currently Fortuna Colours & Prints (FCP) India is working on with Mouvent on a supreme technology printing machine. Commenting on this new alliance, Mr. Vinod Krishnamurthy Iyer said: “After working with a dozen of companies and looking for an organization to work long term, we found Mouvent which has the advantage of a very unique base compared to other companies. The Mouvent team includes Piero’s creative technology expertise and vision to scale. The group overall has a unique sense of design and competence with understanding of the market needs.

FCP plays not one but many critical roles for Mouvent. It acts as an agent for the business arm of Mouvent. The idea behind this alliance was to have a center which closely works with Switzerland to provide top end services using all the knowledge that FCP has gathered in its years of active innovation, from color management to finishing. FCP also works toward value addition in the product development process.

Mr. Vinod Krishnamurthy has his implicit trust in Mouvent as a partner. He bumped upon the digital textile printing business in 1998, and since then has collected knowledge in various verticals of textile printing and related processes, highlighted that the project required inputs from both the companies, with Mouvent as the heart, muscle & vision and while Fortuna can provide all its support to make it happen.

FCP is currently setting up a demo center for Mouvent. The plant has been designed keeping in mind the client requirements as well as situational and environmental factors.

Every business that flourishes has certain uniqueness to it, even though it may face tough market competition. Every player has something new to contribute and grab the market attention. With this philosophy as the base Mouvent is moving forward. The TX801’s machinery has technical advancement and captures a certain market share. The quality of the print is very high and  has worked towards maintaining it with higher speeds. Mouvent believes that it is capable of making a difference. Reliable technology and production friendly machines are Mouvent’s forte and FCP wishes to take this forward in the Indian market.

Fortuna is one of the companies that is keen to make machines compatible to all types of fabrics and customer needs. For them, the vision is to become innovation partner in building applications, meaning that FCP is not interested in building the whole technology but offering a complete package to help customers adding value, for outsourcing and integrating. The aim is to make an output based solutions.

Mr. Vinod also said: “There is a difference between building a machine and building technology.” For building a good machine it takes skill, but building technology one needs vision, effort and application knowledge. The team at Mouvent luckily has both and its aim is not to focus on just numbers as they know that building technology that can make a difference is an elaborate process and getting results in just a year or so will not satisfy their aim of establishing the technology where it can do justice.

“I want to make a difference in doing projects,” said Mr. Vinod Krishnamurthy, highlighting the fact that FCP and its team have gained a lot of confidence in live execution of the machines.

Mouvent presented its new products in the recent ITM show in Turkey which had overwhelming response from customers. The quality of the print and the performance surprised all those who were present. The customers desire a certain quality in printing that Mouvent can provide and is also coming up with new high-speed models to provide efficiency along with the quality.

The new machine has a 2.5 pico liter minimum drop size which is used for very fine printing and which is fired with upto 100 kilohertz, and will offer all sorts of new possibilities. Also the way it is designed gives a lot of options to the customer.

The Mouvent Cluster technology is the core of any machine, and it is what is being or will be used in labels or in packaging. Mouvent focuses on developing new models and designs. For this reason Fortuna has service centers and support, headed by Mr. Vinod, whose vision is to make a difference while the machines are installed.

Even in the future Mr. Vinod aims to make Fortuna the most unique print knowledge organisation. He, along with his team, has worked on various subjects and sees Fortuna as a strong and Applications Company in the next five years. He wants to have the presence in print technology as well as manufacturing, and emerge to be a player to reckon with.

As India is a diverse market digital print will hit various sectors. As the progress already suggests, the ink prices have gone down and optimization has gone up with time the print prices are sure to decrease as well. All this will help different sectors to venture into digital printing.

Mentioning innovation, Mr. Vinod also commented on industry 4.0 saying that the Indian companies do not yet have such requirement. The country’s man power is its strength and automation would take place not in whole but in parts. Enhancing skill is still a major challenge.

With a strong collaboration and a wide knowledge base the two companies are all set to bring their innovation into the market, to do justice to the technology by using it where it can bring about a change, and highlight the vision of the company.