Thies passion for innovation well demonstrated

Thies GmbH & Co. KG concentrates on sustainable product solutions and focuses on the development of innovative, intelligent and integrated concepts for yarn and piece dyeing. Founded in 1892, the family company combines many years of commercial, product and application experience under the leitmotif “PASSION FOR INNOVATION”. Thies is presenting its latest product developments at stand C106 in Hall 14 in ITMA.


The Products highlighted by Thies include:



The new yarn dyeing machine, iCone, is ideal for bleaching and dyeing fibres in different forms such as packages, warp beams, combed tops or flock. The latest forms of flow analysis allow the piping system, the pump and the pump impellers to be optimised, reducing pressure losses and therefore lowering power consumption. iCone offers the ability to dye in a traditional manner using reciprocating liquor circulation or else to opt for ultra-short liquor circulation from one side only, and a liquor ratio of 1:3.6. The machine is very practical as it can be matched to the requirements of each application. The delivery spectrum of the iCone is complemented by the very latest, user-friendly control systems. These integrate the in-house developed “green functions” which provide users with standardised programs for exploiting the optimisation potential in different process steps. iCone can be integrated without problems into existing dyeing houses. Existing dryers and material carriers can be adapted after consultation. The iCone yarn dyeing machine will be exhibited on the Thies booth. The experts from Thies will be glad to explain the new system in detail to interested visitors.

Ms. Christiane Thies, M.A. International Marketing, Thies GmbH & Co. KG

iMaster H2O

The established and successful iMaster H2O machine has been further optimised. The 2015 version incorporates various new detail improvements, many of them developed in response to suggestions from customers and users. The Thies team presents in-depth information on the iMaster H2O 2015 version to fair visitors in person.


At ITMA, Thies is introducing the iMaster mini to the world for the first time. This is a fully-equipped variation of the iMaster H2O able to be used with a load capacity of 20-80 kg for small production runs and laboratory work. One aim is to operate the iMaster mini using the same (parameter) settings as the iMaster H2O production version. Undertaking the testing and optimisation phase on the iMaster mini offers the possibility to incorporate new kinds of fabrics, recipes and processes in the production sequence more effectively and more cost-efficiently.

Another version for the treatment and finishing of light to medium-weight terry fabrics is the iMaster F. Its chambers have capacities of up to 400 kg.


The soft-TRD SIII combines the perfect running conditions of the famous soft TRD SII with the latest short liquor ratio technology. Liquor ratios starting at 1:5 mean a variety of sensitive fabrics can be treated gently. The soft TRD III is ideal for finishing polyester fabrics because the machine is fitted with a high-performance temperature control system.



The MPS-G is the new, multi-functional supply system for chemicals, solids and dyes. It operates using a gravity-feed system which is ideal for treating products of different consistencies, whether liquid, viscous or solid. Liquid chemicals are processed fully automatically, while dyes and the like can be added manually at any time. The MPS-G impresses with its compact design and practicability, and is recommended for small dye houses, groups of machines or continuous systems.



This tool allows a transparent analysis of the treatment processes: rinse, wash and dye baths are monitored online and displayed as graphics. The visual representation of the process curves facilitates control of turbidity and determination of the dyeing extract from the liquor. The user can see how and when dyes transfer from the liquid phase onto the fibres or, for example, detect bath saturation during rinsing.

As during the previous ITMA, Thies is presenting daily talks in Milan on a wide range of topics in several languages.