In the history of apparel textiles, no product has caused so much excitement and surprise as the “Blue Denims & Jeans”. Technologists, designers and brand makers and retailers have been jointly working since long to find out the mystery behind this fascinating product.

Denim, in spite of being introduced, nurtured over the ages by the Americans, eventually has become a highly coveted global product. Raw materials, yarns, weaving technology, supply chain, brands and retail segments have been reflecting on, and responding to the changes in the consumer behaviour. India too has taken to large-scale denim manufacturing to be globally competitive.
The worldwide recession of 2008 and the unprecedented hike in cotton prices in 2011 adversely affected the global textile industry. Interestingly, even in this turbulent period, India registered remarkable expansion in denims production. From just 650 million meters in 2009 India’s denim production capacity has grown to 1.2 billion meters today. This huge growth has been encouraged quite a few established international brands and retail players to enhance their presence in India.
Some of the recent international exhibitions have confirmed the renewed thrust being laid on denims by taking into consideration the changing the fashion, trends beyond cotton, enhanced use of stretch yarns, super stretch, knitted denims, re-entry of pure and dark blues, indigo shirting’s and tops, coated and functional denims, recycled products and finally “sustainability” on the top to cater to global brands. India has not lagged behind and is well poised for a major leap taking advantage of the enhanced consumerism and the favourable raw material scenario in the country.
In spite of the massive growth in the country, the Indian jeans are yet to attain the accepted global standard. The performance of the Indian denims & jeans in international markets is not to the extent desired. Advanced manufacturing technology, new dyes and chemicals for sustainable production, innovative garment washing and finishing as well as growing fashion needs of brand makers and retailers have made the industry interaction with the International Denim & Jeans community, a must to define the directions and the developmental needs.
To deliberate upon “Whither Denims”, Diagonal Consulting (India) & CITI proposed to organize a Global Summit on “Denims – A Democracy in Fashion” to be held in Ahmedabad on February 19-20. International denim & jeans players, value chain experts, leading brand makers & retailers, researchers, designers, trade channels, policy makers and others are expected to participate.