Tecnorama’s automatic dosing and dyeing machines

Renewed success for Tecnorama at Barcelona ITMA 2011: more than 1.000 visitors appreciated the latest developments and innovations displayed. Some sales contracts were finalized directly at the fair.
Besides the upgrade of Dos&Dye Compact, the automatic system for laboratory dyeing, Tecnorama presented its new Dosorama HS that helps carry out more complete recipes with a better accuracy and speed which is 10 times faster than the best machines so far available on the market.
Another innovation was Spectrorma, the undoubtedly forefront that excited interest and satisfaction: it’s the unique device that facilitates a detailed color analysis during the dyeing cycle.
Patented all over the world, the machines conceived and proposed by Tecnorama confirm the engagement and the passion of the technicians of the Research and Development Centre to answer to all market needs offering efficient solutions to obtain the exact planned result by optimizing resources and costs.
In an interview to The Textile Magazine, Mr. Mario Scatizzi, Owner of Tecnorama, spoke in detail about the new products and innovations and also about the Indian market.
Question: What was the highlight of Tecnorama’s participation in ITMA this year – the products and technologies that you showcased at the show?
Answer: The highlight of Tecnorama’s participation was the presentation of the Spectrorama system that can be successfully used for the study and search of new formulas, to analyze the influence of chemical and auxiliary products on the dyeing behavior of single dyestuffs, to check the dye affinity of various textile fibers and to study the ideal dyeing process in terms of the time required and the quality of the result. It has been the most appreciated innovation for the extremely advanced technology that allows the unique machine in the market to carry out the spectrometric analysis of a dyeing cycle, with simultaneous readings of the dye-bath and textile material.
Among the machines displayed at the exhibition, New Dosorama HS gained a big success too. An automatic lab dosing machinery, it is able to carry out more than 200 complete recipes in an hour with an accuracy of +/- 0.003g and with a speed which is 10 times faster than the best machines so far available in the market.
Together with these extremely innovative machines, Tecnorama showed the upgrade of Dos&Dye Compact, an automatic system for lab dyeing, and the Multifastest, an analytical device designed to obtain quick responses on the fastness of dyes on fabrics, yarns, knitwear, etc.
Q: How was the response for your company and products? How was the response, particularly from Indian visitors?
A: The fair was a great success, thanks to the big flow of visitors at the Tecnorama stand.  Despite the contest and the dark years of the crises that has cut off most of the investment projects in the textile sector, more than 1.000 companies visited the Tecnorama stand with enthusiasm, exceeding the earlier expectations. Many visitors came from India confirming the importance of this country in the world textile business, and we started many projects with the Indian clients met during the fair.
Q: What about Tecnorama presence in India? Who are the agents for Tecnorama in India and who are the major customers of the company products in India?
A: Tecnorama’s machines have been sold in India since the beginning of the 2000s and we consider India as one of our main markets. We have dozens of excellent clients and potential clients who are considering our solutions for their future investments. We have agents all over the world and in India as well, but we are going to improve the Indian network in order to cover more deeply all the territory and to be able to grant a better pre and post sales assistance to our clients. We are structuring a widespread and detailed sales net to increase the number and the quality of physical visits of our agents and sales manager in companies and plants.