How Dienes technology contributes to industry sustenance

With the step-by-step process to attain success through integration of functions, Intelligent production modules by Dienes aid development of innovative filaments.

With modular platforms and flexible machinery concepts, Dienes Apparatebau GmbH in Mühlheim am Main supports research facilities in the development of innovative filaments. As Managing Partner Steffen Müller-Probandt explains, in an interview, that the MultiMode systems in particular are well adapted to enable intelligent networking of the production steps for product development. In this way, Dienes ensures that it continues to meet the ever-increasing demand for efficiency and productivity in textile machinery construction.




Mr. Müller-Probandt, Dienes, has been cooperating with textile machinery manufacturers for something like 60 years. How is your company helping to advance the cause of sustainability in the industry?

The trend towards manufacturing technical textiles as the primary focus of textile manufacturers in Europe has been gaining momentum steadily. Against this background, much effort is being devoted to perfecting processing technologies. In this respect, the main objective is to be able to carry out complex manufacturing processes as efficiently as possible. Of course, one of the principal points of reference for this purpose is reduction of energy consumption by the machinery.

What does function integration mean to Dienes as a provider of machines and components for manufacturing synthetic fibres?

The trend toward function integration is an important issue for us on two levels. Firstly, Dienes has set itself the task of creating a modular pilot line in order to help research institutions in fibre technology in their efforts to develop new, innovative filaments. To this end, we ourselves have developed intelligent production modules that can be combined in a modular arrangement. So the pilot line can be adapted to any new discoveries that are made during the development phase. Secondly, as the world of machine building becomes increasingly globalised, there is a constant requirement to increase efficiency and productivity levels. This is why integrated solutions with continuously improving efficiency are in such great demand.


What opportunities does function integration offer for Dienes?

The opportunity is inherent in the process of continuously improving our modules. The performance of the modules is enhanced to keep abreast of the constant stream of new requirements from an enormous range of applications and the need to integrate them. This, in turn, creates added value for our customers. Ultimately, our most important objective is to increase efficiency and productivity.

What benefit can the user of your MultiMode systems derive from function integration?

Function integration stands for the intelligent networking of production steps for product development. We thus use the term ‘function’ to refer to the manufacture of synthetic yarn as a process. One of the main objectives of Dienes is to enable research institutions that are in the business of developing new, innovative filaments to reach a position in which they are equipped to carry out experimental work that is efficient, systematic, and to some degree self-optimising. In general, every module in a MultiMode system can be operated independently. All individual modules can be configured to create a system by the user via the masterfunctionality. The system may be viewed as an intelligent, modular platform.


Where do you see the greatest potential for function integration in textile machinery manufacturing in the next few years?

End-to-end system concepts are needed here. As is also revealed clearly in the large-scale “Industry 4.0” project, the trend towards intelligent networking of production process data is becoming more and more clear. This means that more and more powerful machine controllers are also needed.

On the other hand, of course, it is equally essential to be able to distil the important information from this welter of data, in order to generate real added value. This is why targeted function integration is becoming more important.

Does the energy efficiency of your systems figure in the considerations of your customers?

Yes, this subject is becoming more and more significant in our field of activities as well. At the moment, we are co-operating with the company Rauschert and a Fraunhofer Institute to develop an energy management system (EMS) that can analyse and control a company’s energy consumption from a central location. It captures not only all electrical consumers, but also the consumption rates for other media, such as gas, water, etc. Incidentally, the EMS itself can be integrated in the MultiMode systems.

You enter into temporary partnership with research institutes for developing products and processes. How do such arrangements work specifically?

These partnerships are beneficial to both parties, of course. Dienes benefits primarily from co-operation in multi-disciplinary teams, in which new products and processes are developed and researched. In addition, for many trials, infrastructures are needed. These are only available in the laboratory facilities of the institutes. Of course, it is also much easier to test innovations in a laboratory environment than in an industrial concern where production is ongoing 24 hours a day. In return, the laboratories are always up to date with the latest technologies and equipment.

Headquartered in Mühlheim am Main, Dienes Apparatebau GmbH was founded by Fritz Dienes in 1930. The company produces pilot and laboratory systems for manufacturing and processing filaments, fibres and yarns. It also supplies mechanical and electrical components associated with textile machines, such as induction-heated godet units and control systems for synthetic fibre production lines.

“Function integration stands for the intelligent networking of production steps for product development.”

– Mr. Steffen Müller-Probandt, Managing Partner, Dienes Apparatebau GmbH