Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry (SCTI) launched to fast track sustainability

The textile and leather industries will now have Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry (SCTI) helping them gain knowledge about chemistry and solutions to become more sustainable.

Rohit Aggarwal, Chairman, SCTI, and President, Huntsman Textile Effects

The alliance has 7 founding members, namely, Archroma, CHT Group, Huntsman, Kyung-In Synthetic Corporation (KISCO), Pulcra Chemicals, Rudolf Group and Tanatex Chemicals. The aim of the alliance is to empower textile and leather industries to apply sustainable and state-of-the-art solutions to protect workers, communities, consumers and the environment.

The idea is to enhance resource productivity by sharing information, training and tools to empower brands, retailers and manufacturers. The alliance will guide the industry to take firmer steps towards transformational change through innovative ideas.

Rohit Aggarwal, Chairman, SCTI, and President, Huntsman Textile Effects, says on the occasion of the launch mid-October: “As the global textile and leather industries strive to become more sustainable, chemistry solutions have a definite role to play. Meaningful improvements are possible but an individual company cannot achieve the shift to sustainability on its own. Together we can.”

Substantial investments in sustainable solutions in recent years have been made by the founding members of the SCTI. The SCTI will support brands, retailers and manufacturers of all sizes at every stage in their journey to achieve the highest levels of sustainability and ensure that stakeholders adopt technologies and optimize processes.

The SCTI will also develop a global harmonized sustainability standard for chemical products used in the industry, along with a supporting assessment tool that covers all aspects of the products – from hazards to environmental, ecological and social impacts.

The ultimate aim of the SCTI is to help the industry manufacture products through cleaner and more transparent supply chains that use less water and energy.