Savio to participate in both ITM and Shanghaitex in a big way


Savio will participate in the ITM Texpo Eurasia 2013 to be held in Turkey and Shanghaitex 2013. Savio will present the Polar/I automatic link winder at ITM and the SIRIUS two-for-one twister at Shanghaitex. Both Turkey and China are key markets for the Savio Group.

Savio is represented in Turkey by Motex/Modiano which, since more than 40 years, operates in this country; it has grown up to become today a point of reference in Turkey for the Italian textile machinery. Since several years, Motex/Modiano structure has been strengthened by the creation of Modiano Teknik Hizmetler for providing the customers with a valid after-sales assistance.

Thanks to its highly qualified technical team in the mechanical and electronical field, the company carries out assembling and technical assistance. It also provides customers with spare parts on immediate delivery from the warehouses in Istanbul, Bursa and Gaziantep.

Turkey is ranked among the top five export markets for Savio, so the attendance at the ITM exhibition is meant at a massive level for being closer to these important customers who may be interested in Savio machinery for either their greenfield or expansion projects.

Evidence of the importance of this market is the Open House held in April at the Savio headquarters where important Turkish customers were invited to get themselves familiar with the most advanced and automated Savio machines. The open house was very successful and the customers gave positive response.

Talking about the importance of the company’s participation in Shanghaitex, Savio achieves 85 per cent of its turnover in Asia, and mainly in China, where great demand for a quality upgrade of installed textile machinery manufacturing capacity is in evidence. Savio is present in China with its own manufacturing plant located in the industrial area of Jining, Shandong province, being able to suggest proper customized solutions and provide any type of required service.


Initially, Savio Shandong started with the manufacturing and assembling of two-for-one twisters for local and export markets. At a later stage, the plant was enlarged and the production was also dedicated to the assembly of the automatic winder specifically traded to the local market. Proximity to the customers and development of partnerships with local certified sub-suppliers allow the achievement of a leadership position.

The delivered volume of Savio Shandong local winders, in addition to the imported ones, reached in 2011 a share of 38 per cent of worldwide market. The Savio commercial network is spread in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, in addition to a team of 55 technicians and electronic mechanical and technological service centers all over the country. The local organization is well equipped to meet all customer demands in the shortest time possible, with valuable technical assistance and an early recognition of problems.

Savio’s Polar/I automatic link winder

Savio’s Polar/I automatic link winder is indeed recognized that the maximum level of automation on the winding process is achieved by a direct link of the ring spinning frames to the winder. The advantages, already well known through the continuous automatic transfer of the ring bobbins from one machine to the other, are:

• yarn quality of the wound package which is preserved being the bobbins prepared and automatically doffed on the ring frames, without any operator handling or loading into separate boxes.

• higher efficiency on the winder

• production output flow consistency and timed as a single machine

• minimization of winding room personnel.

Most of the customers select the link system solution whenever a new mill has to be set, or in the alternative, whenever old ring spinning frames must be substituted.

Polar/I Direct Link System has been designed in a “modular type” granting the possibility of reaching the highest number of winding heads to match the trend of the spinning frame manufacturers with longer machines of up to 2.000 spindles. This modular solution gives the Polar/I DLS the highest potentiality, being the same equipped, upon request, with N° 3 end finder stations where the ring frames bobbins are prepared and got ready to the winding heads for the subsequent process.

Furthermore, since the link winder system represents the highest level of automation, in the winding room, great concern was also given to the operator intervention that is expected to reach an almost zero level. In reality, as every spinning mill knows, the yarn quality values can be kept even to a set level until unfavourable or accidental events take place.

Energy black-out, a common event in some countries, stops the spinning process and, upon restart of it, additional yarn piecings are made, and each of them potentially could represent a defect; or some spindles are not even restarted with the result that those bobbins are not completed and with bad shape too.

Low yarn quality level may also derive from a defective manual piecing of the roving frame bobbin yarn, whenever this bobbin has to be replaced in the creel. Statistically Savio observed that the technological defects on the yarn to be wound are mainly due to defects originating in the roving frame yarn area.

Last but not the least, to optimize the phase of the end lot end, all the remaining bobbins, or piece bobbins, have to be circulated on the winding heads until packages are full.

In other words, the link system, or better the winder linked to a ring frame, must be ready and prepared to minimize all the above events that cause low machine efficiency. Consequently, the expected higher efficiency and operators saving, because of the highest automation as on link process, risks to be very much decreased. The “spindle identification system”, available on the winder as option, represents a mere monitoring system that registers the defect and its cause and helps the mill manager optimize the yarn and package quality.

But what about the winder efficiency in the presence of defective or bad-shaped bobbins which are rejected by the winding heads or the yarn end finder stations? Savio has given a solution to this issue and proposes as an optional the “smart back-up preparation station”. Specifically designed and engineered to recuperate those defective bobbins, it is located in a separate area, aside the standard pegs flow, not to slow down the feeding movement, and automatically removes all the detected off standard faults and bad-shaped bobbins without the assistance of the operator. The “rehab” bobbins are then delivered back to the winding process.


The new generation of two-for-one twisters, SIRIUS, responds to the demands of Far East customers looking for a significant reduction in labor and energy. Besides the demand to sustain low investment costs and lower energy consumption, the customers also attach great importance to time and cost of maintenance. This model foresees: a high structural standardization, a wide range both for feeding and spindle dimensions for every yarn type and count, electronic solutions to simplify the operator intervention and reduce the maintenance workforce.

The Electronic Drive System (EDS) version differs from the mechanical version for the full flexibility of setting adjustments. The Sirius EDS model is equipped with independent inverters and motors, which allow to set all processing parameters by the machine PC. This innovation derives from the electronic knowhow that Savio has experienced on other sophisticated products. The simple touch screen PC allows to change settings continuously, and the operator can obtain every possible combination of parameters in order to reach the best output working condition.