RSWM has operations across eight prime manufacturing facilities in Rajasthan and one each in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. It has established India’s most sophisticated automated spinning unit SJ-11 at Kharigram, marketing quality yarns under the ‘Ultima’ and ‘EGDE’ brands.

Following the capacity expansion initiative undertaken in 2015, RSWM today has 5,04,704 spindles, among the largest in the country. The company increased its share of value-added products to account for 30% of its product mix and launched more than a hundred products during the year. Amazingly more than 70% of them found takers immediately.
RSWM is targeting Rs. 3,500 crores in terms of topline in the next three years. While organic growth has been a key driver, inorganic growth is also being looked at as a distinct possibility.
RSWM has an established capacity of 494072 Spindles and 4080 Rotors Spinning, 154 Looms for PV Fabric, 21.6 million meter p.a. Fabric Processing, 18000 MTs p.a. Green Polyester Fiber manufacturing capacity, 20 million mtrs p.a. Denim Fabric manufacturing capacity and 46 MW Thermal Power, 3.3 MW Solar Power Expansion and modernisation
RSWM had planned for a denim sheet dyeing project at a capital outlay of Rs. 42.75 crores. This project has been commissioned and accordingly the production capacity of denim fabric stands increased to 25 million meters from the earlier 17 million meters. The full benefits of this expansion will be reaped in the current financial year.