Precitex to showcase new products

Precitex which is participating in India-ITME in a big way is the largest manufacturer of aprons and cots in India with its manufacturing capacity of 70 million pieces per annum. The market leader in India, the company is also the largest exporter of aprons and cots from India. Getting top export awards from various textile bodies every year, it recently received awards from the Indian Textile Accessories & Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (ITAMMA) and the All India Rubber Industries Association (AIRIA) for excellent export performance.

Precitex is launching at ITME a few new products for high-end application offering more value for money. The new XP series aprons to be launched offer extended performance. These aprons are manufactured with superior polymer and are designed for offering 25 per cent higher life compared to conventional aprons. Initially two aprons are offered in the XP series – XP 7711 for bottom apron application and XP 7740 for top apron application.

Many spinners in India are having compact spinning systems from various machinery manufacturers. Some of the spinners are still using cots imported from global sources for meeting their yarn quality requirement.

Precitex has come out with an import substitute in the form of XP 63 which will offer consistent yarn quality and superior performance. This cot is already tested in various mills and its performance is par excellence. This cot can be offered for conventional (non-compact) spinning application also.

Precitex was the first manufacturer to introduce conductive cot for excellent working performance free from lapping and fly liberation. This cot will also be on display at ITME.

Apart from the above new products, Precitex will be presenting its regular products for texturizing, worsted industry and also for Vortex spinning applications.