The world and the value-added-yarn-machinery market are going through extraordinary times. This industry is known to be cyclical, and Amsler and Pinter Group are used to such developments. Now Covid-19 pronounced these developments even more.

In this environment Amsler Tex and Pinter Group have reached an agreement with the aim to maintain the supply of high-level products and services to all Amsler- and Pinter Group-customers. Based on this agreement Pinter Group has acquired Amsler’s value-added-machinery business, entailing all the technology.
The Amsler organization will cease its activities, and Pinter Group will handle from now on all new Amsler-inquiries for new machines and spare parts, as well as the technical support and warranties of the installed Amsler-devices. Of course, the current pending orders will be delivered and installed by the Amsler organization in the coming weeks and months.
Pinter Group is proud to serve now also the esteemed Amsler-technology-users with its products and services in the field of value-added yarns machinery. All customers can be assured that every member of the Pinter Group is highly motivated to do its best to comply with the high expectations of all these parties. Additionally, the management of Pinter Group thanks Amsler Tex for their confidence in this extraordinary transition.