Overwhelming response to Truetzschler Customer Days


A.T.E., in association with Truetzschler India P. Ltd., organized Customer Days in Madurai, Salem and Coimbatore on April 19, 20 and 22 respectively.

Being a world renowned supplier of spinning machinery for the textile industry, the company-sponsored event turned out to be most successful. Around 1,200 customers (Madurai – 370, Salem – 350 and Coimbatore – 500), participated in the event.


The show was more like a post-launch session for Truetzschler’s latest innovation Comber TCO 12, which was launched at ITME-2012. It acted as a platform for explanation and information sharing related to products like Securomat SP-FPU, Tuft Blender, New Cards TC 11 (1.28 metres wide), TC 8 Card, TD8 Drawframe & high performance TCC Wires.

In just four years, Truetzschler India has already delivered more than 2,100 TC cards in the market, and sales are expected to pick up further in the coming months.