Outlast Technology Increases Effusivity by 60% for Enhanced Cooling and Comfort

Outlast Technologies, the market leader in temperature regulation solutions, achieves with its technology impressive values in textile cooling performance. By integrating Outlast® tried and proven temperature regulation technology, effusivity values can increase by up to 60%, significantly enhancing the perceived coolness and comfort of fabrics.

Volker Schuster, Director of Research & Development Outlast Technologies

Effusivity is a key thermal property that measures the ability of a material to exchange heat with its immediate surroundings at a surface. A higher effusivity value means a fabric feels cooler to the touch, a crucial factor in consumer perception of comfort. This makes effusivity a valuable metric for textile manufacturers looking to enhance the sensory appeal of their products.

Depending on the method of applying Outlast® Temperature Regulation, the effusivity value can increase by 20-60%. A dipping bath application results in a 20-30% boost, while classic Outlast® Temperature Regulation fabrics can achieve up to a 60% increase. It can therefore be concluded that, in addition to its temperature-regulating properties, Outlast® technology significantly enhances the cool touch of materials, positively influencing consumer purchasing behavior.

Recognizing the importance of precise performance measurement, Outlast has invested in cutting-edge technology to measure effusivity with high accuracy. Moving forward, the company will offer its partners the opportunity to assess their products’ cooling properties using this advanced testing equipment. These validated measurements not only enhance product development but also provide valuable marketing assets, allowing brands to substantiate their cooling claims with scientific data.

With Outlast® Temperature Regulation technology, brands gain two key benefits: enhanced cooling textiles that promote a refreshing feel, and a more balanced microclimate that reduces sweating and increases overall comfort. This dual advantage positions Outlast at the forefront of textile innovation, offering consumers and brands alike a superior solution for temperature-controlled apparel and home textiles.