ITMA 2015 strategy will be to invite new investments in Italy, Europe
Italy’s textile machinery sector looks optimistically to the current year in which the industry’s most important trade fair, ITMA 2015, returns to the country after 20 years, providing an opportunity to showcase Italian technology and stimulate new investments in the textile sector in both Italy and Europe.

At the General Assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, the 2014 year-end data were exhibited. Production dropped slightly by one per cent compared to 2013, at just over 2.3 billion euros. After falling in the previous two years, exports confirmed the value of the preceding year at roughly 1.95 billion euros.
Italian exports are destined primarily to Asia and Europe. Overall, these two areas absorbed 81 per cent of sales abroad. However, Italian exports to European markets grew compared to last year, they actually fell in Asia. China remains one of the main export markets, although sales of Italian machinery to that country fell by 25 per cent in 2014 compared to the previous year, a result of less robust economic growth than was expected.
On the other hand, exports to India, Bangladesh and Vietnam were on the rise. Italian textile machinery manufacturers also did well in Turkey, the US and Iran.
At ACIMIT’s General Assembly, people spoke mostly of 2015 in which the industry stands to benefit from macro-economic factors that are making forecasts lean towards a cautious optimism. In particular, in the domestic market a more widespread trust should encourage investments in machinery by textile companies that will benefit from a weaker euro to boost exports. On the other hand, demand recovery is expected from China which is the leading market for Italian exports and a boost for European demand.
With these forecasts in hand, ITMA 2015 to be held during November 12-19 in Milan, will be a driving force capable of energizing Italian and European investments in the textile industry.
“Our manufacturers are very confident about the event next November. As shown by the preliminary figures on the presence of Italian companies at the fair, there are a total of nearly 430 exhibitors covering around 31,000 square metres, showing an increase in occupied surface area of over 50 per cent compared to the previous edition in Barcelona. Almost 30 per cent of the total exhibition space at ITMA will be taken up by the Italian machinery manufacturers” commented ACIMIT President Ms. Raffaella Carabelli.

An international press conference was also held at the ACIMIT General Assembly to present Italy’s participation in ITMA. “Thanks to the great level of economic and organizational support from the Ministry for Economic Development and Italian Trade Agency. We’re able to promote the presence of Italian businesses at the November trade fair through a wide range of initiatives” explained Carabelli.
Mr. Roberto Luongo, General Director of Italian Trade Agency, stated, “There’s no doubt that within Italy the textile machinery industry is one of the country’s most important production sectors due to its strong showing on the international markets. Our textile technologies are considered of a very high qualitative level, which is an element of great pride and satisfaction for us, and which urges us to support Italian businesses in an increasingly convinced and determined manner through an effective, well-established and proven collaboration with the trade association. The ITMA trade fair in Milan represents a unique opportunity for Italy’s textile machinery industry, which is why, with the huge financial support from the Ministry for Economic Development, a well-defined project has been set up in partnership with ACIMIT, known as the Special ITMA Milano 2015 Project, with the aim of allowing the numerous Italian machinery manufacturers at the fair to maximize their own individual efforts.”
At the Milan edition of ITMA, a trade fair that stands out for the high level of innovation and technology proposals, the main issue will be sustainability as the theme of this edition emphasizes.
The ACIMIT President added, “The textile machinery sector is moving towards more competitive production processes, where reduced production costs, through savings in the consumption of water, energy and raw materials, are combined with greater attention to environmental issues. In this situation, Italy’s machinery manufacturers are the ideal partners for companies looking to make sustainability an added value in their production outlook.”
ACIMIT further indicated that energy savings and reduced environmental impacts would be the major trends for Italy’s machinery companies.
On the issue of sustainability, ACIMIT has over the past five years committed time and resources through its “Sustainable Technologies Project” bearing witness to the commitment of participating manufacturers to reduce the carbon footprint of its machinery, through ongoing technology improvements.
Ms. Carabelli concluded by saying, “our industry’s future relies on sustainable technology.”