Mayer & Cie, the market leader in circular knitting machines, is focusing on highly productive machines both for the garment and elastic mattress ticking fabrics sectors.
For many years already the textile industry appreciates the advantages of the relative technology, an innovation by Mayer & Cie. The latest version of the ultra high-speed series from the company, the Relanit 4.0 UHS, achieves incredible 70 revs. in a 30β machine during production of plain single jersey fabric with a speed factor of 2,100, thus facilitating production of more than 1,500 kg per day.
The belt drive is controlled over special servo motors which can be operated from the display of the machine. This guarantees an exact yarn supply and avoids fluctuations in the yarn quantity supplied which, in general, can appear because of lint and oil accumulation when working with belt drives with quality wheels.
In order to further increase the efficiency of the machine, the Relanit 4.0 has got a computer-controlled knit-on aid which increases the yarn tension for the knit-on process automatically for a short time and makes knitting on much easier.
The new S4-3.2 R II combines productivity and flexibility in a way so far not imaginable. It is the first striper machine in the world being in a position to produce single striper fabrics with 3 or by combination of individual feeders also with more colors – at 3.2 knitting feeders per inch.
While the majority of striper fabrics are generally produced with 1.6 knitting feeders per inch (which corresponds to 48 knitting feeders at 30 inch diameter), the absolute limit for 3 colors was at maximum 2.4 knitting feeders per inch for 3 colors so far.
The patented Mayer & Cie. solution offers the possibility to produce single jersey fabrics with 3.2 knitting feeders per inch for the first time (which corresponds to 96 knitting feeders at 30 inch), and this with up to 4 needle tracks. The advantage for customers: Productivity which is up to 70 per cent higher compared to the current production of 6 color striping fabrics as well as the possibility to use this machine as fully-fledged high-performance single jersey machine with a linear speed of 1.56 m/s (corresponding to 39 revolutions per minute at 30 inch).
With this development the traditionally high costs involved in the production of striper goods will in future be reduced noticeably for the customers.
More than 10 years ago the success story of knitted mattress ticking fabrics began, initially in Europe and a bit later in the US, the secrets of which, besides a pleasant grip, are especially in the knitted goods natural elasticity. This elasticity supports the ideal adaptation of the mattress to the shape of the body and on top allows to take the ticking fabrics off the mattress core in regular intervals in order to wash them like ordinary garments β advantages which woven fabrics for upholstery cannot offer.
Since last few months these fabrics enjoy an increasing popularity in the Indian sub-continent. With the OVJA 1.6 EM, Mayer & Cie. presents the best-seller of the mattress ticking fabrics industry. With 24 RPM maximum speed in 38β the OVJA 1.6 EM is the fastest mattress machine on the world market.
At the same time, the proven number of knitting feeders (1.6 feeders per inch) allows a maximum degree of flexibility for all fabric qualities presently in demand. Both features together make this machine the worldwide top-selling mattress machine of the past years.