Marzoli’s Indian plant by 2012

With over 160 years of experience, Marzoli is one of the oldest textile machinery manufacturing companies in the world. In the field since 1851, it has always been at the forefront of technological development in the spinning sector.

The strategic importance of the Indian market has led to creation of Marzoli Textile Machinery Manufacturers Private Ltd. The company has today taken the next major decision of setting up a manufacturing facility in India for textile machinery.

The historical relationship between Marzoli and the Indian textile industry dates back to 1943 when mills in Ahmedabad started buying Marzoli combers. With India still under British rule (and hence the preference for British products), this was no mean achievement.

One of the defining moments of Marzoli’s relationship with the Indian market was undoubtedly the setting up of India’s first ever 100% export-oriented textile unit in 1984, when a complete 24,000 cotton spinning plant of Marzoli was installed at Ichalkaranji in Maharashtra.

The entire plant was installed in just five weeks, and the mill was able to export to Europe high quality cotton yarn of less than 5% Uster statistics. This was a significant event that would shape the eventual growth of India as the largest exporter of cotton yarn in the world and as a country that could meet exacting standards of yarn buyers in Europe.

That such a pioneering and visionary investment was made in the non-private sector simply underlined the fact that the way ahead was not lost to policy makers in the country. A fully automated waste collection system with automatic baling was among the many features in Nav Maharashtra Co-op Spinning Mills that offered a template which redefined the cotton spinning industry in India.

Marzoli has since supplied spinning machinery to several important Indian customers such as Raymond, Mafatlal, KPR Mills, CLC Spentex, Loyal, Supreme, etc.

As early as in 1983, Marzoli had a licence agreement with Machinery Manufacturers Corporation, a Mahindra Group company. This company at Mysore manufactured and sold over 1,000 ring frames. These ring frames – Model RC1,  with their unique design and tubular construction – find admirers even today. Mahindra and Mahindra, eventually opted to move out of   the textile industry and close the  operations in this line.

A major milestone in the Marzoli journey was its acquisition by the Camozzi Group. With its presence in 74 countries, this group is well known in the pneumatics and machine tools business worldwide.

In early 1999, the Camozzi Group entered the textile machinery industry with its buying into Marzoli SpA, and there has been no looking back. With the spirit of enterprise and financial strength of this group, Marzoli is poised to achieve path-breaking milestones.

One of these is the decision to have its presence in India by setting up a modern manufacturing plant. The plant is expected to roll out the first machines in the second quarter of 2012. This development will be closely watched by the textile industry in India which is eager to adopt high end technologies of its counterparts in other countries.

Striking gold at ITMA

At ITMA 2011, Marzoli signed two deals with an Argentinian and an Indian company. TN & Platex, based in Argentina, has placed an order for 100,000 spindles. Owned by the Karagozian family it was founded 30 years ago from a small spinning plant with a monthly capacity of 150 tons of OE yarn. Now it is the leading textile company in Argentina and one of the most important in South America, with seven plants employing 2,000 people.

Delivery of Marzoli’s new ring spinning frame MDS1, together with the roving frame, FT6D, to TN & Platex will begin early next year.

The second deal which is more relevant to India is for a complete line of 25,000 spindles to produce denim yarn.

An important contribution of Marzoli has been in the field of denim. This segment was getting increasingly competitive with yarn being produced on the open end machines in the US.

The Italian producers of denim introduced the concept of ring spun denim yarn, and Marzoli played an important role in the development of denim ring frames with the help of end users. This led to instant success for denim producers in Italy and subsequently in other countries.

This explains the denim theme that was prevalent all through the Marzoli stand at ITMA. It also explains why Jalal Gilani, Chairman and Managing Director of Sara Spintex, placed the order on Marzoli after being convinced that the equipment would meet his objective of producing top quality denim yarn. Sara Spintex grows cotton, apart from being a ginner, and so is one of the few companies to be involved from bale to yarn and will be a new customer for Marzoli.

At ITMA, Marzoli explained not just the improvements on the machines that were exhibited but the philosophy that led to their development and design, and the features that make them unique for quality and performance. With key elements of the designs under patent, customers buying Marzoli machines are assured of the best products in the market.

The company’s strategy is based on the ability to offer complete turnkey solutions that increase competitive success for themselves and their customers. Through experience, technological innovation, modern design, total quality and customer service, Marzoli is able to meet competition. Being a preferred supplier to competing brands of cotton spinning machinery, it has gone a long way in establishing the company’s credentials as a top quality supplier of textile machinery.

The R&D Division of the new Marzoli Galileo line focuses not only on increasing production and reducing energy consumption, but also on improving quality while reducing waste of cotton during the spinning process. The cotton affects up to 60 per cent of the cost of the final product and reduces the waste, with the same quality; therefore it creates an immediate benefit for the spinner.

In production departments, mechanical processes and assembly utilize the highest technologies available for manufacturing quality components, CNC workstations, production aisles, and integrated systems for continuous control and quality monitoring. Integrated automatic warehouses and intense co-operation with top suppliers and qualified partners ensure that the best solution is obtained for the whole system. All production processes are certified to ISO 9001.

Innovations at ITMA

Marzoli introduced technological enhancements that have directly impacted and improved productivity, efficiency, energy requirements, improvements in yarn realization and excellent quality of the end product (< = 5% Uster Statistics).

At ITMA Marzoli demonstrated a new opening line with the addition of three machines equipped with revolutionary cotton opening systems, such as B390L, B380L, and B450L; New C701 card with production up to 200 Kg/hr; New drawing frame DF1 and DFR1 at 1100 meters/minute; new superlap LW3 at 200 meters/minute; new CM7 comber at 600 nips/minute; new FT6, FT7, FT6D, and FT7D roving frames with new spindle drive systems, and new MDS1 spinning frame with 1824 spindles.

The innovative Marzoli Card C701 guarantees high performance and quality both in production of cotton and in the processing of the latest and complex fibers. The renewed chute totally integrated the new pre- and post-carding systems, the new geometry with a wider work area and many other innovations make the new Marzoli Card capable of satisfying all the different and more demanding requirements of the market. This machine ensures a production increase of up to 50%, keeping unaltered the high quality of the carded sliver with an important saving in investment and production costs.

The new lap former LW3, with its innovative web formation system, ensures production up to 620 kg/h and can feed up to 6 new CM7 combers, each one with production of more than 85 kg/h. The new Marzoli combing section is therefore the answer to the request of high quality combed yarn produced at low costs.

The Marzoli spinning frame MDS1 is the ideal machine for production of quality yarns, thanks to its new design, its exclusive fibre control system Arco Bridge, and the patented spindles drive system with multiple tangential belts, with a number of spindles up to 1824. The Marzoli ring spinning frame can be equipped with several optional accessories that modify drafting and can produce yarn with exclusive characteristics.

Some examples are fancy yarns where a controlled variation in the drafting process produces fancy yarn effects; compact yarn where a slight suction tightens the fibre bundle and reduces hairiness, thereby increasing its strength; and elastic or rigid core yarn, where a lycra or nylon core is placed inside cotton yarn.