INTERSPARE, the German textile machinery manufacturer for complete finishing lines, is now offering a modern and particularly smart way of seeking spare parts. The company was originally started as a supplier of high-quality spare parts. Today, with the take-over of the Krantz, Artos and Stentex brands and the construction of a production hall and assembly shop, the company also is a supplier of finishing machines of worldwide reputation. Service philosophy and customer satisfaction was the corporate motto from the moment it was founded.
From this philosophy INTERSPARE has now developed a new customer service, the Smartphone Smart Order System app, which makes indenting spare parts much easier, while helping the customer to save time.
Once the app, which is available for all iPhones and Android devices, has been installed, the customer can quite simply take one or more photos of the machinery and the spare parts required and send them to INTERSPARE with one click. The INTERSPARE specialists, who, of course, know the range by heart, then identify the spare parts required. Customers no longer need to spend time in extensive searches.
The INTERSPARE Managing Director, Mr. Dirk Polchow, is delighted with the first app of this kind: “We have always considered good customer service particularly important. It is therefore no surprise that we are the first to offer such an up-to-date solution, which makes things really simple for the customer. And we have shown that our innovations are not limited to mechanical engineering, but that we are happy to use other modern technologies for our company and our customers, if they can be usefully implemented.”
Along with the app in itself, it is perhaps even more remarkable that INTERSPARE has also modernised the traditional way of placing orders for spare parts. Whereas with most machinery manufacturers it is still the customer’s task to identify the relevant spare part by studying the supplier’s catalogue, with the app INTERSPARE relieves their customers of this task.
Mr. Polchow observes: “Our idea with the app was to make it really simple for the customer to request spare parts and, together with a modern means of communication, to offer still more additional value. The aim was: two to three clicks with the Smartphone and the request arrives on our desk and we take care of it. There is no risk because the customer makes just an inquiry and not an order. Every company can give the app a try without having any problems.”
The INTERSPARE Smart Order System app is available in the Apple iStore and at Google Play for cost-free download. When searching for the relevant app, all you have to do is enter the key word, INTERSPARE. The app is free of charge and does not make particularly high demands on the Smartphone.
All the spare parts from INTERSPARE’s extensive range can be requested via the app. This includes first of all spare parts for their own Krantz, Artos and Stentex brand machinery and spare parts for Babcock BTM, Famatex, Hacoba and Franz Müller. And, in addition the app makes it possible to ask for an offer for spare parts of all other stenter frames, especially those of the German manufacturers, for whom INTERSPARE has been successfully distributing parts and components for many years now.
If the customer is not sure whether INTERSPARE has a part in the delivery program or not, it is easy for him to photograph the part required, and ideally the machine as well, and to send the photos to INTERSPARE. The customer does not have to enter an addressee. It all works fully automatically after a short registration process.
Once the request has been received, INTERSPARE contacts the customer as before on the recognised communication channels and notifies him of the parts number, the price and the delivery period.