Indo Intertex, Indonesia’s leading textile and garment event, concluded its 2014 edition with high praises from both exhibitors and visitors. The four-day show held at Jakarta International Expo Centre had thousands of visitors sourcing the latest fabrics, machineries and other services from leading companies.
This year, the event was held alongside two other events held by the same organizers under the same roof, namely, INATEX and INDO DYECHEM 2014. There were more than 800 exhibitors in total, but not many Indian participants this year as compared to the previous versions.
The Textile Magazine collected the response from a few of the key players who were present at Indo Intertex.
Mr. Daniel Lippuner from Saurer had this to say: “While we had some good contacts with existing customers, we were disappointed about the quantity of visitors. Except one day, the number of visitors were far below the expectation. Maybe it has to do with the upcoming ITMA Asia, maybe there was not enough advertising for the show. We see in Indonesia one of the best growth opportunities worldwide. After China and India, Indonesia has the potential to position itself as clear number three in the worldwide yarn spinning market. But regarding participation in the next Indo Intertex show, we are not sure yet. The organizers must definitely do more to attract larger crowds then this year”.
Mr. J.M. Balaji of LRT said: “The overall response to Indo Intertex was just average. However, we did have some quality visitors from the spinning industry. Indonesia is a very important market for us, and we have been putting in a lot of effort in this market in the last few yaers to get the leadership position we are there today. We have a dedicated person now for technical support here in Indonesia, apart from the sales team of the agent. This is done with a view to delighting the customer with excellent aftersales service. Going forward we expect our sales in this market to grow further and contribute significantly to our overall export business. We have launched our LEED business here in Indoensia through this fair for water and waste water treatment plants and got encouraging response. We would participate every alternate year in this show as it gives us a good branding opportunity”.
Mr. Peter Stahlecker of Suessen observed: “I feel that the overall response for the recent Indo Intertex was very good! Of course, we were on the well-located booth of AGANSA, the reputed in Indonesia. We had many decision makers on the booth. Even the last day of the show was unusually busy, may be because it was a Saturday. The venue was really good with all amenities. I think, it was a good idea to move the show from Bandung to Jakarta. Indonesia is a MMF market, and I believe that with our EliTe Compact System, we can offer very good advantages to spinners, too. We already have a few installations running successfully on MMF (and also large installations running on cotton). Of course, there are too many trade shows! This has been the third one which I participated in personally.
SUESSEN has been to four or five shows already. Still, we will participate next year, if AGANSA participates, as Indonesia is an important market for Suessen.”
Mr. Sivakumar of ELGI ULTRA said: “Overall response for the show was good. The quality of customers was mixed, both from the middle management and the top management. The business potential for our company in Indonesia is good, and we expect to expand it in the coming days through addition of new customers. We would definitely participate again in the next Indo Intertex.”
Mr. Diven Dembla of PRECITEX stated: “The overall response to the show was as expected. The exhibition was well organized and fairly attended by the local textile industry in Indonesia. I found a larger response from technicians and far less from mill owners. Visitors from other neighbouring countries were missing, making this a purely local exhibition catering only to the Indonesian textile industry. The business for PRECITEX in Indonesia has been good, with our sales steadily increasing by 15-20% every year, We have a strong customer base which are repeatedly buying our aprons and cots.
Our products are perceived in Indonesia as a good value, considering our superior quality and competitive pricing. Considering, the good potential of our products in this market, we will continue to participate in the Indo Intertex exhibition, but it would be more practical if this show was held once in every four years, like other major exhibitions worldwide.”
Said Mr. Jagadesh. T.S. from SARA ELGI: “Overall response of the show was good. Almost 19 productive customers visited us. Even though only a few directors visited, mostly top technician visited, better for future business relationship. It was a nice platform to introduce our Bobbin Transport system, which is at very initial stage dominated by European manufacturers. Business potential here for our company is good, Already we are present in the market, expecting further increase by around 100% growth this financial year on the existing products. A good amount of business is expected from our Bobbin Transport Division.”
Mr. K. Subramanian of Statex observed: “We are participating for the first time at Indo Intertex, and we are very happy with the response of the show. The quality of customers is good but the quantity was not satisfactory. There’s a great potential for our products in Indonesia, and so we would definitely participate in the same show next year.”
Mr. Arunachalam of LMW said: “Overall response was very good, and we had more than 100 potential customers who visited our stall and had very fruitful discussions. Most of the CEOs / President Directors of companies visited our booth and discussions centred around their plans of investments. At the expo booth, we displayed our New Card LC361 and Auto leveler draw frame LDA/1, and the features and performance of those machines were well appreciated by the visitors. Also displayed was our Compact Spinning Model which received very good response from customers who have recently purchased our ring frames with compact spinning. We have already supplied more than a million spindles in the Indonesian market. During the 4-day event, we were also able to finalize a few orders for compact spinning, hence would definitely participate in the next Indo Intertex show.”
ACIMIT, the association of Italian textile machinery manufacturers present at Indo Intertex were quite satisfied with the quality of visitors. Several customers visited the Italian Pavilion in order to get latest information about the Italian textile machinery industry and the contribution of the ACIMIT member-companies.
Italian exports to Indonesia grew over the past five years at an average rate of 30% annually. In 2013, exports exceeded 38 million euros, placing Indonesia firmly among the top ten markets for the Italian textile machinery sector. This edition of Indo Intertex confirmed that in Indonesia the presence of Italian technology can be consolidated. Based on the comments of the exhibitors at the Italian Pavillion, many visitors were really interested to know the Italian products displayed at the show.
The Italian exhibitors expressed their interest in participating in the show again. Anyway their decision to join it will depend upon the discussion they would be having with the Italian Trade Agency and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.
Mr. Juerg Staub of Luwa remarked: “Indonesia is a key market for Luwa and, together with our representative Cosa, we participated in Indo Intertex. The exhibition was fairly large and the organizers had done a good job in promoting it. During the four days we had a lot of visitors, the mix between mill managers and decision makers for fresh investments was good. We were able to discuss many expansion plans, mainly in Spinning. Besides, the traditional textiles, we also had good orders for synthetic fibre plants. Our outlook for Indonesia is positive. We believe that the textile industry will grow further. This believe underlines also our expansion in Indonesia. Since begin of this year we have our own engineering and service team in Bandung and we plan to establish a full subsidiary company. Together with our factories in Switzerland, China and India we will be in a unique position to serve the clients with a world class product and local support. The plans were responded very positively by our existing clients as well the future ones.
In future we will be joining again our agent in participating at the exhibition, Luwa’s aim is to be an integral part of the Indonesian Textile Industry.”
Mr. Tanim Choudhury of Picanol: Picanol participated in the show with an information booth to promote its latest airjet and rapier technology. Moreover, Picanol was the only high-end weaving machine supplier to join the exhibition with a direct presence through its local subsidiary, PT. Picanol Indonesia.
Said to Mr. Tanim Chowdhury (General Manager of PT Picanol Indonesia): “The exhibition was a fruitful event for us. While in the 2013 edition of the exhibition, we displayed our rapier (OptiMax) and airjet (OMNIplus Summum) weaving machines, we had only an information booth this year, as our latest generation machines will be displayed at ITMA-Asia 2014 in Shanghai in June. This, however, did not affect the quantity and quality of the visitors at our booth, as we had many customers visiting us to enjoy our lounge style booth and the Picanol hospitality. We also got had many new enquiries for machines as well as for our aftersales services (spare parts, technical support etc). All in all, I am very satisfied with our participation at the fair and the positive results, both in terms of relationship building and new business enquiries.”
With the broadest product range on the market, professional local services and considerable presence, Picanol remains highly committed to the Indonesian textile industry. Weaving mills across Indonesia put their trust and confidence in the Picanol machines and aftersales support.