Sharmanji Yarns Pvt. Ltd. manufactures and exports yarns made of 100% cotton as well as cotton and polyester blends. The company uses a ring spinning system with 98,000 spindles. Before venturing into yarn spinning in 2007, the company had been involved in yarn trading in Ludhiana since 1964. The company’s star product is the polyester/cotton yarn, which is well-known in Ludhiana for its outstanding quality. Thanks to its recent investment in a Rieter ring spinning system, it has managed to increase its capacity to 132,000 spindles.
As a former yarn trader, Sharmanji Yarns is well versed in the quality requirements of yarn customers. The company attaches high importance to producing yarn of the same high quality as it was distributing as a yarn trader. It was the sharp increase in demand for polyester/cotton blends that influenced the company to add this yarn to its product range. It was indeed crucial that this new investment would provide higher returns in terms of overall productivity and product quality. Further, the company wanted to take advantage of lower installation lead time to be able to reap the full advantage.
Since 2007, combers and draw frames from Rieter have been meeting the high demands that Sharmanji Yarns places on the yarn quality. Rieter recommended that the company management invest in a complete, powerful system, from the blowroom right down to the end-spinning machine. So it became the first company in India to install the new Rieter bale opener UNIfloc A 12, an exceptionally productive machine that processes up to 2,000 kg of raw material per hour. The card C 70, draw frame RSB-D 45 and ring spinning machines G 32 were equipped with the Rieter man-made fiber package (synthetic fiber packages for processing polyester fibers and its blends). The combing preparation system OMEGAlap E 36 with its innovative winding belt technology and the comber E 86 with circular comb Ri-Q-flex were offered for processing cotton.

In 2013, the company tested six ring rails on the G 32 to discover for itself the benefits offers in terms of saving energy and reducing yarn conversion costs. The impressive test results led it to use Rieter machines in the execution of its 27,648 project.
Rieter’s dedicated project team worked closely with Sharmanji Yarns’ technical team throughout the preparation and installation phases to ensure fast installation and commissioning. After a three-month installation process, the system was ready for operation, delivering yarn which met the customer’s requirements for both quality and quantity.
Sharmanji Yarns is now enjoying the benefits of a Rieter system – higher plant productivity with high yarn quality. The suction tube ECOrized installed on the ring spinning machine G 32 reduces the energy consumption. Together with the energy-saving machines in the blowroom line, the cards and draw frames allow the company to save around 8% of energy in the UKG values. The entire Rieter system offers higher productivity, so it requires 10% less space. This thus reduces the company’s indirect costs.
Sharmanji Yarns was hugely impressed by these benefits. For its next expansion, the company has placed an order for a second system project (once again for polyester and cotton yarn production) consisting of 34,272 spindles.