The Textile Magazine
over of close to Rs. 600 million.
Asked about the slowdown in the
market during the current year, Mr.
Chandrasekar said there has been
a slight slowdown in the order in-
flow for the last two months, but
the spinning sector is expected to
recover soon with the new cotton
season round the corner.
ICC makes the entire range of
card clothing for cards processing
short staple and long staple fibres.
manufacturing and testing of me-
tallic and flexible card clothing,
tops, stationary flats
and card room ma-
chines for maintenance
of card clothing. “We
are investing regularly
in technology to up-
grade our processes
to provide the custom-
ers products of high
quality at reasonable
cost”, says Mr. Chan-
Currently ICC has
capacity to manufac-
ture 8,000 sets of me-
tallic and flexible card
clothing. The company
has established a new
state-of-the-art facil-
ity at Nalagarh. Now
more products are be-
ing added to the man-
ufacturing range.
“At ICC we are plan-
ning to enhance the
product range to in-
clude other categories
of metallic card cloth-
ing. With increase in
capacity and the lat-
est technology, we are
ready for the future”,
he adds.
ITMA 2011
The company is equipped with the
complete range of machinery for