The Textile Magazine
The workshop began with a
full-day seminar in Fong’s Shen-
zhen headquarters –
Buji factory. Mr.
Walter Leung,
Sales Direc-
tor of Fong’s
National En-
gineering Co.
Ltd., made a
detailed pres-
entation on
corporate up-
dates at the
seminar. Next,
guest speaker,
Stillger, Sales
Director of A.
Monforts, made
his presentation on
A. Monforts, stenter
frame and dry fin-
ishing ranges.
Various prod-
uct presentations of
Fong’s Nation-
al, THEN and
Goller brands
were presented after-
wards. “We have trial-runs on our
THEN-Airflow aerodynamic dye-
ing machine with Modal fabric
and Fong’s Allwin high tempera-
ture dyeing machine with viscose
rayon. Both materials are very
common in the industry. However,
it is not easy to obtain good results
in terms of short process time, low
liquor ratio and quality control.
Moreover, most of our customers
are processing the cotton fabric or
package, under those sample tri-
als the customer can realize how
to achieve the up-to-date indus-
try quality standard via our latest
technology,” said Mr. Walter Le-
Fong’s factory tour was ar-
ranged as part of the program in
a 110k sq. metre land site allo-
cated by various brands produc-
tion plants of Fong’s National,
Monfort Fong’s, Tycon Alloy and
Goller. After the seminar, two
China customer production plants
were opened for India customers.
A full range of Fong’s National,
Monfort Fong’s and THEN brands
were shown.
“This year we have our new
unique motto ‘One stop – GREEN
Innovation’ with only ‘one sup-
plier, one agent and one contact’.
Today, we hope our customers can
gain wide knowledge and vast in-
formation of the entire production
chain in the field of both dry and
wet processing”, he added.