The Textile Magazine
OctoBER 2011
world. Uster STATISTICS have be-
come the trusted benchmark across
the entire textile value chain, acting
as a basis for trading, for bench-
marking and certifcation.
In the cotton trade, quality tags
from Uster HVI 1000 are essential
for a fair price and good deal and
they are supported by national cot-
ton classifcation offces, for exam-
ple, in the US, China, Uzbekistan
and Pakistan. Spinners use Uster
STATISTICS to set quality targets,
to benchmark performance against
competition and to certify the qual-
ity of fnished articles. It enables us-
ers to speak ‘the global language of
From fber to fabric
Quality does not come from mas-
tery of the fnal step of the value
chain, such as garment manufacture
or fnishing. It starts at the very be-
ginning – with the raw material and
producing the right quality yarn.
Cotton growers, ginners and trad-
ers rely on fber testing instruments
(e.g., Uster INTELLIGIN and Uster
HVI 1000) to achieve fair prices.
Only by knowing and controlling
what comes into the mill can the
mill manager do justice to the job of
delivering the expected quality his
customers have specifed.
Of course, sourcing raw material
is also driven by price and avail-
ability considerations but once the
material has arrived the Uster HVI
1000 helps to make the best use of it
by designing the optimum bale lay-
down (to deliver the expected qual-
ity consistently).
By using the single fber test in-
strument, Uster AFIS PRO2, opti-
mal settings can be defned for each
step of the mill process to minimize
waste. There are a series of corre-
sponding Uster instruments, name-
ly, Uster USG PRO for sliver quality
monitoring (cards and draw frames),
Uster TESTER 5 for sliver, roving
and yarn analysis, Uster TENSOR-
APID / TENSOJET strength testers
for sliver, roving and yarn testing
(staple / cotton and continuous /
flament), Uster ZWEIGLE HL400
hairiness tester, and of course the
Uster QUANTUM 3 yarn clearer.
Uster Technologies is the only
company which is able to supply a
complete spectrum of instruments
for cotton classing, yarn testing and
monitoring. Yet total offering of
know-how and services goes even
further, recognizing that quality is
a challenge not only for spinning
mills but for all players in the textile
value chain.
End-breaks during weaving and
knitting, uneven dyeing, or prob-
lems during fnishing or garment
making-up (e.g., pilling) are all
problems stemming from poor yarn
quality. Therefore, Uster has devel-
oped services based on its 60-plus
years of experience to ensure quality
along the entire value chain.
ING is a service package consisting
of consulting, training, mill assess-
ments and process monitoring de-
signed to help retailers and others.
Yarn buyers can also rely on Uster
certifed spinners – the USTER-
IZED mills – as suppliers. The US-
TERIZED brand is a coveted seal of
quality for yarns tested and cleared
with Uster instruments for superior
quality assurance in the production
USTERIZED mills beneft a lot
from Uster’s unique Total Test-
ing approach to combine labora-
tory testing, process monitoring and
know-how and to move from uncer-
tain results to predictable profts.
ITMA 2011
[exclusive feature]