The Textile Magazine
OctoBER 2011
the company and its founder since
inception in 1936. A commemora-
tive edition has also been publishing
the history and achievements of the
Mr. Luc Tack, Managing Direc-
tor of the Picanol Group, said: “At
ITMA we have showcased two very
special innovations. The frst is a
new airjet that will become the new
standard of weaving machinery:
The Omniplus Summum. This ma-
chine combines the broadest palette
of technological innovations and the
high quality you can expect of Pica-
Since its foundation in 1936, the
Picanol Group has evolved from be-
ing a very small player to the techno-
logical leader among modern weav-
ing machine manufacturers. Picanol
has launched ablog(http://75yearsof
picanolgroup.blogspot.com), which
carried interesting articles about
On September 22, the very first day of ITMA Barcelona, Picanol celebrat-
ed its 75
anniversary. The company name refers to the Spanish engineer
Jaimé Picañol. His ideas shaped products that brought with them important
technological advantages.
ITMA 2011
[exclusive feature]