The Textile Magazine
OctoBER 2011
customer needs. Savio can count on
a direct commercial presence in over
60 countries worldwide, on service
and on-site maintenance, technical
training and courses for customers
technicians. Global dimension, fex-
ibility and manufacturing excellence
are the main assets for a strategic
leadership that will renew over time.
The design solution for the Savio
stand at ITMA 2011 answered two
specifc challenges: frst, the need
to highlight, emphasize and com-
municate the anniversary of 100
years; second, the desire to express,
through the architecture of the
booth, the core qualities of Savio
and its products, which is a mix of
performance, quality, attention to
detail, innovative solutions, solidity
and durability, making it a leader in
its feld. Overall, the stand was very
dynamic, with machines outgoing
from the “100”, especially to signify
that they are born from a long ex-
perience and that are made of great
technological achievements.
Here are some of the products on
display at the Savio ITMA pavilion:
POLAR E automatic winder
comes with automatic bobbin feed-
ing and automatic package doff-
ing. Ring spinning frame bobbins
are loaded into the hopper tank and
then placed on the fexitray (peg)
to be transferred to the preparation
station. Each bobbin placed on the
fexitray is automatically moved to
the “yarn fnder station”. This sta-
tion prepares the bobbins for the fol-
lowing winding process. The entire
operations are automatically made
and “operator free”.
The Polar/I-Direct Link System
From right, Dr. Gabriele Checchini, Managing Director & CEO, Mr. S. Jaya-
bal, Vice President - Technical, Savio India Ltd., and Mr. Massimiliano Tius
ITMA 2011
[exclusive feature]
Savio’s Indian connection
Savio is present in India since
1996. It was earlier known as
Veejay Savio Lakshmi Machin-
ery Ltd. Today Savio India has
been set up with the intention
of providing world class Savio
products, specifc to India’s tex-
tile market. The establishment of
ITEMA Group’s operations in
India confrms its strategic vision
and its keenness to grow with
commitment to its mission.
In early 2008, Savio India, a
100 per cent subsidiary of the
ITEMA Group, was started to
manufacture different models of
two-for-one twister with Italian
technology in Coimbatore.
With its corporate offce lo-
cated in Coimbatore and sales
offces in Gurgaon, Ludhiana and
Kolhapur, the company is pres-
ently serving India, Nepal and
Sri Lanka. Its Coimbatore facility
is well set to produce a range of
world class textile machines with
cost effectiveness.