The Textile Magazine
OctoBER 2011
European textile machinery manu-
facturers from Switzerland, Germa-
ny, Belgium, Italy and Spain India
remains the most important market
with exports worth millions of dol-
India has the potential to become
a manufacturing hub in textile ma-
chinery, with abundance of skilled
labour, low cost and natural resourc-
es available. Government initiatives
like the Technology Upgradation
Fund Scheme (TUFS), Scheme for
Integrated Textile Park (SITP) and
the Integrated Skill Development
Scheme for the industry would sure-
ly push the growth of the industry.
India’s textile & apparel industry is
also expected to grow from the cur-
rent $70 billion to $220 billion by
Mr. R.S. Bachkaniwala, Chair-
man, India-ITME Society, said:
“With such need and opportunity-
based demand, it is only imperative
that textile machinery manufactures
all across the globe eye the Indian
market. India ITME 2012 is now a
‘must participate, must visit’ for the
textile engineering industry across
the globe”.
He also announced the expanded
activity of the ITME Society and
said that as a responsible organiza-
tion dedicated towards growth and
prosperity of the industry and econ-
omy, the Society is constructing an
industrial exhibition-cum-conven-
tion & research centre in Ahmeda-
bad. With all facilities for industrial
exhibitions and programs for skill
development it will target creating
employment for youth. On com-
pletion, the exhibition centre will
become one of the largest in India
with over 1,00,000 sq. mtr. exhibi-
tion area.
India ITME 2012 is an effort to
usher in the much-needed revolu-
tion, growth and global attention
to the market. It is expected to be
a spectacular event showcasing hi-
tech textile machinery, innovative
technologies and services for the
textile industry and is specially de-
signed to be the “gateway event” to
the huge market opportunities in In-
dia as well as in the nearby countries
like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Paki-
stan Vietnam, Indonesia, etc.
The bookings for this prestigious
exhibition are on and will close with
100 per cent space sold within the
next few days. The focus is to pro-
vide a complete platform and mak-
ing it a win-win situation for every
person associated with, and inter-
ested in the ITME event in terms of
acquiring new clients, new markets,
new technology, cost competitive-
ness and sourcing opportunities,
including academic and research
programs. Apart from business,
new products and innovative ideas
for world class textile products and
services will be presented through
seminars during the event.
Mr. Andreas Weber, World Presi-
dent, the Textile Institute, UK, said
that there is a strong chance of Indian
multinationals opening subsidiaries
in Europe and the US for textile ma-
chinery and accessories. The Textile
Institute can, through collaboration,
assist all textile sectors and work to-
gether for the overall improvement
of the textile industry globally.
By expanding the exhibition serv-
ices, the Society will now organize
exhibition every two years instead
of four years. India ITME 2014 will
be held in November/December
2014 with focus on technical tex-
tiles, garments, knitting and chemi-
cal dyestuff, innovative textile tech-
nology, etc.
Mr. Sanjiv S. Lathia
, Hon. Treasurer, India-ITME Society
industry news