The Textile Magazine
OctoBER 2011
digit percentage improvement in the la-
bel weaving energy balance.
In spite of the additional sixth repeat,
the room height required for MBJ6, as
well as its footprint correspond with
those of the predecessor model while
the machine’s total weight, is actually
Electronically controlled
narrow fabric loom
The NH2 53 is an electronically con-
trolled loom for the weaving of elastic
and non-elastic narrow fabrics. Electron-
ically controlled shedding takes place
via linear motors mounted directly on
the shafts. These replace pattern chains
and drums and permit both unlimited
repeat lengths and pattern changes in
minimum time. The weft and auxiliary
thread transport, as well as the narrow
fabric take-off and main drive are also
all electronically controlled and smooth-
ly adjustable. As compared to conven-
tional needle looms, the NH2 53 is ft-
ted with considerably fewer mechanical
parts, which results in both less wear and
a cut in energy consumption of around
35 per cent, i.e., max. 1 kW.
A maximum of 16 harness frames are
available for patterning and the NHJ2 53
with 192 functions is an ideal supple-
ment for narrow fabrics with jacquard
The machine control system consists
of two components: A unit that is fx-
mounted onto the machine and the op-
eration of which is limited to the func-
tions required for weaving operations;
and a portable operating unit with wire-
less programming data transmission to
the machines (one device for several
machines). All the relevant data and pa-
rameters are stored and can be called up
at any time for statistical purposes.
To-date, ropes have been manufac-
ITMA 2011
[exclusive feature]