The Textile Magazine
special voltage control for smallest
product distortion activates or deac-
tivates automatically (e.g., in case
of blockages). A bypass function is
available at the push of a button for
products that cannot be straightened
with the pin wheel. In addition, there
is a version with combined roller
straightening machine (RFMB-12)
for customers who need to use both
system according to the articles.
Orthofact RMBC-12
An ingenious idea compared the
Orthofact RMB-12 straightening
system and the active pin wheel
RMBC-12 in a single machine. The
one half of the exhibit showed the
passive straightening wheel, the
other one the concept study. Mahlo
thus demonstrated the modifcations
and new developments compared
with the passive straightening wheel
technology quite well.
The scanning feature known from
Mahlo is thus integrated into the
active pin wheel straightening ma-
chine. It scans the incoming distor-
tions. The pin straightening wheels
are actively controlled by a mo-
tor and therefore able not only to
remove skews but also bows and
even wavy asymmetric distortions.
Lateral stretching reduces complex,
wavy distortions and provides op-
timal prerequisites for scanning. In
addition, the active control achieves
a much greater straightening effect
than passive pin wheels of the same
The new Orthofact RMBC-12
with active control basically con-
stitutes a short, compact stenter-
ing limit. Restrictions in regard to
product type, elasticity and product
condition are largely obsolete; the
straightening accuracy is optimal.
The built-in automatic straightening
feature also permits the presentation
of the current distortion on a screen.
The new Orthofact RMBC-12 is
therefore a universal straightening
unit for all requirements. Let’s ea-
gerly wait and see how Mahlo man-
ages the transition from the concept
study to the functional machine.
Orthopac MFZE-12
Mahlo presented another concept
study in the area of straightening
technology with minimum space
requirements. Take the example of
a printing press where a precision
straightening unit is required to re-
move residual distortions. A cen-
tring unit and spreading system for
the product are needed in addition.
Some products also require width
measurement, and to move the prod-
uct centred into the printing press a
cross-winding device is necessary to
move the entire device tower.
However, most print shops do not
have any space for a device tower.
This is where Orthopac MFZE-
12 from Mahlo comes into play
as a true multitalent. The system
straightens skews and bows, centres
the product, spreads it, controls it to
the desired width – and all that with
a single roller. This can’t be done
any more compact. A special “Mul-
ti-function straightening roller” is
used. This is a bow roller mounted
in a swivel frame, which allows it
to function both as bow and skew
straightener at the same time.
This arrangement allows for very
fne adjustment of the straighten-
ing effect while permitting signif-
cantly reduced physical dimensions.
ITMA 2011
[exclusive feature]